The EDC-Free Europe coalition, which is a group of over 70 environmental, health, women’s, and consumer groups across Europe, united in concern over the health and
Author: Alexandra Caterbow
Chemiepolitische Mittagstalks 2024Einmal im Monat | September bis Dezember | immer 12 Uhr4. September || 9. Oktober || 13. November || 11. Dezember Chemikalien sind
Zusammen mit ChemTrust, PAN Germany und WECF haben wir einen Maßnahmen-Katalog für den EDC Fünf-Punkte Plan der Bundesregierung erarbeitet. Dieser Maßnahmen-Katalog wird von 16 weiteren
Now that UNEP and WHO calling for expert nominations it is timely to make sure that no expert that has any link to industry is able to be part of the group of experts in charge of updating this important report.
Zusammen mit, und als Mitglied von, dem NGO Bündnis Exit Plastik hat HEJSupport des Kapitel zu Textilien und Bekleidung im Entwurf der Nationalen Kreislaufwirtschaft Strategie
Restricted access for civil society is a no-go.
Die EU könnte eine der gößten planetaren Krisen nicht in ihrem nächsten Arbeitsprogramm berücksichtigen.
Neun NGOs unterstützen das PFAS Beschränkungsverfahren
HEJSupport took the opportunity to submit feedback to the EU consultations on the restrictions on bisphenol A (BPA) and other bisphenols in food contact materials (FCMs). It is very important that the EU will cover all bisphenols in their legislation on FCMs and not just a handful, to protect human health and the environment.
Toys should not contain hazardous chemicals. A ban of PFAS and bisphenols is urgently needed.
Das Textilbündnis hat 2022/2023 eine neue Struktur angenommen und seine Berichtsformate überarbeitet. Mit dem deutschen Lieferkettengesetz und den laufenden Prozessen für ein EU-Lieferkettengesetz veränderten sich
Join in and sign this important petition for a toxic-free Europe!
Wir freuen uns, Ihnen unseren neuen Online-Kurs über endokrine Disruptoren (EDCs) vorstellen zu dürfen!
A new five-point EDC plan covers five areas of action. Another document with a concret action plan was announced.
Gemeinsame Pressemitteilung vom Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland, European Network for Environmental Medicine, Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung, Health and Environment Justice Support, Pestizid Aktions-Netzwerk Deutschland und Women Engage for a Common Future
Critical decisions made at the fifth session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management
At the 5th International Conference on Chemicals Management, delegates adopted a Global Framework on Chemicals (GFC)
NGOs fordern: Der Vorschlag zur PFAS Regulierung darf im Bundesrat nicht aufgeweicht werden.
Gemeinsame Pressemitteilung vom Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland, dem European Network for Environmental Medicine, Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung, Health Environment Justice Support, Pestizid Aktions-Netzwerk Deutschland und Women Engage for a Common Future
Save the Date – 22nd of September 2023
Jetzt anmelden zu den Chemiepolitischen Mittagstalks
Eine Gruppe von NGOs, darunter HEJSupport, ist sehr besorgt über die Verzögerung der REACH Revision. Die EU Kommission hat die Revision der wichtigen Chemikalienverordnung in
HEJSupport, PAN Germany and WECF conducted an online event with high-level speakers on the need of an ambitious EDC action plan in Germany.
The German Exit Plastik NGO coalition disucsses plastic in the circular economy with parliamentarians and ministerial representatives.
Nach einem Jahr Ampelkoalition bilanzieren HEJSupport, Südwind, Inkota und FEMNET die Arbeit des Textilbündnisses in Deutschland.
The treaty should address plastic pollution and waste and the health problems created by the chemicals in plastics as they are produced, used, recycled, discarded or incinerated as waste.
European NGOs, including HEJSupport, are concerned about the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) methodology as introduced by the EU Commission. We believe there is a risk
Deutsche NGOs, darunter HEJSupport, fordern die EU-Kommission auf, die für dieses Jahr geplante REACH Revision umzusetzen und nicht auf den Sankt Nimmerleinstag zu verschieben.
Governments and stakeholder met to establish a SPP for chemicals and waste. Read our statement on behalf of the WMG.
HEJSupport participates at the SAICM IP4 meeting. See some updates here.
Join our joint webinar, organized by HEJSupport, SSNC, groundWork, and EEB on Monday, 27th of June
Presenters: HEJSupport and CIEL
HEJSupport publishes a report summarizing the results of the SAICM Virtual Working Groups (VWGs) and presents recommendations.
This side event introduces the concept of the Global Minimum Transparency Standard for Hazardous Chemicals in products.
Have a look at our submissions and recommendations on draft resolutions in the chemicals and waste cluster.
HEJSupport and 12 other health, environment, and justice organisations have written to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) seeking clarification on both the applicable legal framework
NGOs wrote a letter to the EU Commission about crucial votes on restriction of lead in PVC, Resorcinol as and ED and the ban of lead chromates in paints.
HEJSupport jointly with SSNC and groundWork, is hosting a Session on the Global Minimum Transparency Standard (GMTS) at the “Tomorrow without Toxics” Conference. Please, join us on November 23 as 12 p.m. CET.
HEJSupport is happy to announce our Session on Women and Chemicals, wich is jointly organized with WECF, AWHHE and ToxicsLink.
Pressemitteilung der zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen im Textilbündnis, darunter HEJSupport.
Read our submission to the EU Commission on the revision of the EU Toy Safety Directive.
HEJSupport nahm als Expertin bei Anhörungen der Kinderkommission und des Beirats für nachhaltige Entwicklung im Bundestag teil.
The Campaign #Wardrobe Change, where HEJSupport is a member, launched its position paper
#WeChooseReuse – Einwegplastik durch Mehrwegsysteme ersetzen und diese Petition zeichnen.
NGOs fordern von der Bundesregierung einen EDC Aktionsplan zum Schutz von Umwelt und Gesundheit
Save the date! Fünf spannende chemiepolitische Themen – immer mittwochs!
Since its adoption, SAICM has proved to be an important international framework for promoting and advancing chemical safety objectives. Learn more about its history, governance, and the process towards beyond 2020 chemical and waste strategy
HEJSupport, among other NGOs, sent a letter to the EU Commission to support the most recent version of the SUP Directive Guidelines.
For UNEA5 several NGOs, including HEJSupport, submit a written statement for the Leadership Dialogue.
The EU Commission released a public consultation of new strategy on sustainable textiles. HEJSupport submitted comments.
In a joint letter, NGOs demanded an end to the unethical practice of exporting pesticides banned in the EU.
For the intersessional discussions on the future of SAICM, HEJSupport and other NGOs submitted recommendations to the Virtual Working Groups.
Watch the recording of our online discussion.
Gemeinsam mit acht weiteren NGOs hat HEJSupport einen offenen Brief verfasst.
What a High Level Declaration should contain? Find out what a group of NGOs suggests.
Here is what we think about the international aspects in the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability.
NGOs fordern Bundesregierung auf, der Chemiepolitik einen größeren Stellenwert beizumessen und mehr für Schutz von Umwelt und Gesundheit zu tun.
Read our recommendations about possible ways to refom the EU regulatory framework on EDCs.
The Basel Convention made progress to reduce plastic waste trade. 600 attendees of the OEWG discussed next steps.
Did you know? Talc-based baby powder is linked to ovarian cancer. J&J knows, yet it refuses to stop pushing this dangerous product to Black and Brown women around the world.
The fact sheet provides a quick overview of examples of texts in international agreements and national legislation that emphasize a gender perspective.
Several NGOs, including HEJSupport, published a BAN (Basel Action Network) press release, denouncing Europe`s “Do As I Say, Not As I Do”.
HEJSupport expects the EU Commission to deliver strong activities on the EU`s work on global policy level.
Sachverständige in. Anhörung des Umweltausschusses sprechen sich für einen nationalen Aktionsplan zu EDCs aus.
Am 17. Juni 2020 findet im Bundestag eine Anhörung zu Endokrine Disruptoren statt. NGOs veröffentlichen dazu eine gemeinsame Stellungnahme.
Informieren Sie sich und diskutieren Sie im Webinar „Gesundheit geht vor! Für ein Verbot von Hormongiften“ mit uns konkrete Forderungen, die an die Bundesregierung zu stellen sind.
Lesen Sie in diesem neuen Hintergrundpapier eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigesten Fakten.
This webinar brings together international experts to discuss ways to minimize the impact of mercury on women.
Find a list of legal texts and information sources from international organisations.
The Norwegian presidency of UNEA5 asked stakeholders to provide input to specified questions on the ministerial declaration of UNEA5. HEJSupport, together with other NGOs, sent a joint submission to highlight a few key topics.
We are happy to announce our new webinar series on women and chemicals. Learn more about the topic and contribute to the global discussion.
HEJSupport co-signed the letter to EU leadership demanding long lasting solutions to the plastic crisis for a more resiliten economy.
We are happy to present the new film from our HEJYouth Group! It gives you 5 Tipps to sustainably transform your wardrobe.
The textile and fashion industries are among the largest and the most polluting industries in the world. They must explore strategies geared towards improving sustainability in order to minimise resource use, pollution and waste.
Webinar Summary “Sustainable Fashion? How companies provide sustainability information to consumers”
Want to know more about how companies provide sustainability information to consumers? Listen to our webinar recording.
You had no time to attend the webinar? No problem, please find all presentation and the recording here.
Is the sustainability information provided by fashion brands sufficient? Learn more about a way forward which makes consumers a driving force able to shape the future of sustainable textiles.
Im gemeinsamen Forderungskatalog “Wege aus der Platikkrise” zeigen deutsche Umweltverbände, darunter HEJSupport, die Plastikkrise entlang des gesamten Lebenszyklus auf.
Pressemitteilung: Wege aus der Plastikkrise: 15 Forderungen der deutschen Zivilgesellschaft an die Bundesregierung
How is the EU doing regarding the identification and regulation of endocrine disruptors? Unfortunately, very poorly.
Canadian groups seek greater protection to the environment and health.
The Strategic Appraoch on International Chemicals Management (SAICM) is an important UN Framework for the work on chemicals and waste. Its mandate will end by 2020 and currently governments, industry and NGOs are working on a successor framework. Learn more about the latest developments and ideas.
HEJSupport together with Women`s Voices for the Earth and Women Environmental Network hosted a webinar on plastic- and toxic-free menstruation products. You can find the presentations here.
A group of NGOs, including HEJSupport, sent a letter to the REACH Committee to urge them to restrict the use of lead in PVC as it will reduce the emissions of this highly toxic chemical.
Consumers need clear, full, reliable and accessible information about chemicals in products.
Environmental groups wrote to incoming Commission president Ursula von der Leyen today, warning that powerful European chemical laws are not being enforced.
Read the HEJSupport summary report of the meeting in Bangkok to learn about what happened at IP3 and where we are in the development of a new international framework on chemicals and health.
At the SAICM Intersessional Meeting, HEJSupport together with a number of NGOs invited delegates to discuss criteria for Issues of Concern and how to move them forward if they have not achieved their goals.
We are happy to announce our side event on the New Mechanism of Action: How to progress SAICM Issues of Concern beyond 2020. It is taking place Tuesday, October 1 during lunch time (13.15-14.30), conference room MR-C+D.
UNEP published a new study on illegal trade in chemicals and pesticides. HEJSupport Co-Director Olga Speranskaya was one of the lead authors.
A group of NGOs, including HEJSupport, submitted a proposal to the SAICM Secretariat for the next IP meeting, taking place in October 2019 Bangkok. The NGOs present in their paper a new mechanism of action and criteria for elevation of obligations to progress SAICM Issues of Concerns (IoCs) in the post 2020 multilateral regime for chemicals and waste.
NGOs sent a letter to members of the REACH Committee, prior to its meeting on September 17-18, 2019. Crucial decsions are planned to be taken, that have a wide impact on human health and environment in the EU.
HEJSupport announces a new project on toxic chemicals, health, and plastic pollution. The project entitled “Plastic and Toxic Free Period” is supported by Funding for Social Change Ltd and is part of a broad initiative on plastic and toxic free disposable and reusable menstrual products.
We are happy to announce the launch of a new website,
Our new website is designed to inform people who menstruate about plastic and toxic chemicals in hygienic products, their health and environmental effects, and the availability of more sustainable, plastic and toxic free options on the market. The site involves global perspectives and provides a platform for NGOs and individuals to share their stories, activities and good practice examples.
Jetzt anmelden! PAN-Webinar “SAICM für Einsteiger”,
PAN Germany lädt ein zum Webinar: Ein internationaler Rahmen für eine giftfreie Zukunft – SAICM für Einsteiger, in Kooperation mit HEJSupport und WECF. Es findet statt am 16.09.2019 von 15:00 – 17:00 Uhr.
HEJSupport submitted comments on the EU Commission Roadmap for the Fitness Check on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs). The EU Commission has failed to deliver protective measures from EDCs for health and envrionment.
27 NGOs express concerns about delay of the outcome of the EU chemicals policy fitness check.
Mehr als 100 Nichtregierungsorganisationen, darunter HEJSupport, fordern von Gesundheitsminister Spahn einem generellen Verbot von Amalgamfüllungen zuzustimmen.
A European non-toxic environment strategy is urgently needed to dramatically reduce Europeans’ exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals.
27 national, European and international NGOs urge EU member states to take responsible decisions at the next REACH Committee Meeting that will take place on the 14 and 15 of February 2019.
HEJSupport International Co-Director Olga Speranskaya, together with a researcher from the Canadian Environmental Law Association and paralegal, Fe de Leon, recently co-published a paper with
Governments, NGOs and industry came together in March 2018 in Stockholm, to discuss the future of SAICM, as its mandate ends by 2020. HEJSupport International
Ein neuer Bericht „Superbugs in der Lieferkette: Wie die Umweltverschmutzung durch Antibiotika-Fabriken in Indien und China die weltweite Zunahme von Arzneimittelresistenz-Infektionen fördert“ von Changing Markets zeigt die ungeheuerliche Verbindung von Pharmaunternehmen, die durch die Herstellung von Antibiotika wiederum Antibiotikaresistenzen verursachen, mit deutschen Unternehmen und Krankenkassen. Bericht auf Bericht der Süddeutschen Zeitung Bericht Bayerischer Rundfunk […]