All you need to know about SAICM IP3 meeting

by Olga Speranskaya and Alexandra Caterbow, HEJSupport

The mandate of the Strategic Approcha on International Chemicals Management (SAICM) will end by 2020. At the third meeting of the Intersessional Process (IP3) held in Bangkok, Thailand, 1-4 October 2019, participants, including government representatives, NGOs, private sector, academia and Intergovernmental Organizations continued their discussions on possible elements for a post-2020 platform for international cooperation on the sound management of chemicals and waste, as a successor of SAICM. The new global platform will influence the way countries address chemicals and waste issues and develop their chemicals policy beyond 2020.

Read the HEJSupport summary report of the meeting in Bangkok to learn about what happened at IP3 and where we are in the development of a new international framework on chemicals and health.

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