Plastic and Toxic Free Period Project

HEJSupport announces a new project on toxic chemicals, health, and plastic pollution. The project entitled “Plastic and Toxic Free Period” is supported by Funding for Social Change Ltd and is part of a broad initiative on plastic and toxic free disposable and reusable menstrual products.

The project will contribute to the future where plastic- and toxic free sanitary products are affordable and available globally and where the environment is free from a top-ten source of non-value toxic waste.

To achieve this, we are starting a broad awareness raising campaign aiming at informing consumers, mainly people who menstruate about plastic and toxic chemicals in hygienic products, their health and environmental effects, and the availability of more sustainable, plastic and toxic free options on the market. We hope to significantly raise awareness of people in different counties and regions who largely stay unaware about the impact hygienic products have on human health and ways to reduce risk.

We are planning to contribute to social change and unite the existing local and national initiatives, make them stronger by forming a global coalition of NGO leaders such as Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE), Women’s Environmental Network (WEN), Environmenstrual Coalition, and many other interested organisations and individuals, including those working on chemicals, health, human rights, plastic and more.

The broad network of HEJSupport will bring together NGOs and experts tackling various aspects of the problem (plastic, gender, chemicals, health, legislation, advocacy, ground work, circular economy).

HEJSupport is aimed at achieving a healthy environment and environmental justice for vulnerable groups like women, children, marginalized communities, workers and others who are disproportionally impacted by environmental hazards and have difficulties defending themselves and are therefore in need of special attention.

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