Join our hybrid UNEA Side Event: The Global Minimum Transparency Standard for hazardous chemicals in products

Join our hybrid UNEA Side Event: The Global Minimum Transparency Standard for hazardous chemicals in products

Chemicals in Products

This side event introduces the concept of the Global Minimum Transparency Standard for Hazardous Chemicals in products.

The Global Minimum Transparency Standard (GMTS) is a tool for companies to disclose hazardous chemicals in their products along the whole lifecycle. This will help to achieve an equal level of access to information for all stakeholders, irrespective of country and within and outside the supply chains. The GMTS is a step towards stricter regulation or even a complete phase-out of hazardous chemicals as well as global safety of human health and the environment.

For more information about GMTS, please visit

The side event is a joint activity by SSNC, groundWork, and HEJSupport.

Green Tent at UNEA5.2 and online
Monday 28.2.22
5pm – 6pm Nairobi Time


Bob Diederich, OECD
Michael Stanley Jones, Circular Research Foundation (Italy)
Mafoko Phomane, groundWork
Olga Speranskaya and Alexandra Caterbow, HEJSupport
Andreas Prevodnik, SSNC

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Written by Alexandra Caterbow
