Session on Global Minimum Transparency Standard at “Tomorrow without Toxics” Conference

Session on Global Minimum Transparency Standard at “Tomorrow without Toxics” Conference

Chemicals in Products

HEJSupport is hosting, jointly with SSNC and groundWork, a Session on the Global Minimum Transparency Standard (GMTS) at the “Tomorrow without Toxics” Conference.

Please, join us on November 23 as 12 p.m. CET by registering at Welcome | SpotMe .

To find our more about the GMTS visit the webiste

Global Miminum Transparency Standard as the way towards equal safety for everyone everywhere

Hazardous chemicals potentially spread throughout the life cycles of materials and products,
but this situation can be avoided through informed decisions. Instrumental for avoiding
harmful exposure and uncontrolled pollution from mishandling materials and products is
the transparency of their chemical composition. Furthermore, transparency helps put in place
conditions for improved material resource efficiencies, for example by allowing for informed
decisions on safe substitutions of hazardous chemicals so that materials can be safely reused
and recycled.

While the EU countries made substantial steps forward to protect their citizens from
substances of very high concern in products, most other jurisdictions, especially those from
developing and transition economies, lack control over toxic chemicals, including in
products, present on their markets. Double standards still play a significant role in
undermining human rights, equity, and justice by allowing companies to apply different
standards in different countries.

These challenges and injustices could be addressed with a Global Minimum Transparency
Standard (GMTS) for hazardous chemicals, which would ensure the foundation for equal
safety for everyone everywhere, and level the playing field for companies to facilitate trade. It
would be a key instrument to facilitate a better building back of the economy after the
pandemic. In this Session, we outline how the GMTS could be constructed and put in place.

General information about the conference

This virtual conference is targeted towards members of the international civil society concerned of chemicals management. Representatives from the civil society organizations, social movements, citizens around the world, intergovernmental organizations and government representatives, like the ICCM5 president, share their vision and discuss approaches to a future without toxic chemicals. The conference offers daily high-level panels and space for information sharing, debate, and learning. Each day will have a different focal topic.

Register here  ||  watch the pre-program  

The interactive online conference is organized by Forum Environment and Development, in cooperation with our partners BUND – Friends of the Earth Germany, HEJ-Support, PAN Germany and WECF.

Date: November 22-26, 2021

Time: 10 AM – 5 PM (CET) time subject to change / Panels: Monday: 3-5pm; Tuesday: 2-4 pm; Wednesday: 12-2pm; Thursday: 2-4pm (all CET)

Location: Held virtually on SpotMe event platform (available in different languages)

Language: English with simultaneous translation for the main panels

Costs: Free of charge

More information in different languages is available here.

Sharing is caring:

Written by Alexandra Caterbow
