Despite initial pessimism, at INC2 on Plastics Treaty agreed on some critical points that will move the process forward.

A transparency mechanism, with a traceability requirement, will ensure that the disclosed information is linked to individual materials and products, and can be tracked throughout their life cycles.

Civil society organisations, indigenous peoples, women, vulnerable communities should have the right to participate in Plastic Treaty negotiations

The identity of chemicals and polymers of particular concern should be disclosed throughout the entire lifecycle of plastics.

Canada’s online survey about the global plastics treaty

Раскрытие информации о химических компонентах пластика способствует сокращению пластикового загрязнения, повышению эффективности использования ресурсов за счет безотходной многооборотной экономики и продвигает право общественности на информацию.

To support an effective circular economy, the recycling strategy for Canada should require the use of a single recyclability label for plastic products that will ensure all product components are toxic-free and are safe for recycling.

Chemical transparency is needed to ensure the effectiveness of the Basel Convention implementation.

The GMTS is a step towards global safety of human health and the environment and stricter regulation or even a complete phase-out of hazardous chemicals.

This side event introduces the concept of the Global Minimum Transparency Standard for Hazardous Chemicals in products.

Have a look at our submissions and recommendations on draft resolutions in the chemicals and waste cluster.

For UNEA5 several NGOs, including HEJSupport, submit a written statement for the Leadership Dialogue.

An efficient e-waste management is based on government commitment; regulatory requirements and enforcement; a social orientation towards separate waste collection; and environment and health protection through safe toxic-free product design and transparency of chemical information.

The Norwegian presidency of UNEA5 asked stakeholders to provide input to specified questions on the ministerial declaration of UNEA5. HEJSupport, together with other NGOs, sent a joint submission to highlight a few key topics.