NGOs call on Canada to support binding transparency requirements for chemicals in plastics at the national level and globally

Following the submission from nine environmental groups on the consultation papers entitled “Towards Canada-wide rules to strengthen recycling and composting of plastics through accurate labelling” and “A proposed federal plastics registry for producers of plastic products,” Health and Environment Justice Support (HEJSupport) and the Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) sent a letter to Environment and Climate Change Canada emphasizing the recycling issues related to toxic plastic additives.

NGOs call on Canada to support binding transparency requirements for chemicals used in plastic production and in plastic materials and products at the national level as well as globally. They believe Canada needs to address the role and impact of toxic additives in developing its plastic strategy and circular economy. Otherwise, Canada’s approach to plastics perpetuates recycling operations that contribute to the circulation of toxic additives in plastic products being released into the environment or impacts to health.

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