Suggested new indicators for targets B2 and B3 will help identify success and failure in achieving the objectives of information sharing about chemicals in materials and products.
Стойкие органические загрязнители и другие токсичные добавки в пластике: регулирование в рамках международных соглашений.
Gemeinsame Pressemitteilung vom Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland, dem European Network for Environmental Medicine, Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung, Health Environment Justice Support, Pestizid Aktions-Netzwerk Deutschland und Women Engage for a Common Future
Save the Date – 22nd of September 2023
Процесс подготовки новой глобальной стратегии по химическим веществам и отходам
On November 1, the SAICM IP4 Co-chairs hold a consultation meeting with stakeholder representatives to further develop the IP Co-Chairs single consolidated document and discuss other key issues to be considered in advance of the resumed IP4.2.
HEJSupport participates at the SAICM IP4 meeting. See some updates here.
Новый отчет “Результаты и анализ работы виртуальных рабочих групп СПМРХВ” обобщает итоги обсуждения, проведенного участниками ВРГ.
To inform country delegates and the NGO community about SAICM developments, HEJSupport, SSNC, groundWork South Africa, and EEB held a webinar on the virtual working group outcomes
Нормативные изменения являются важным, но не окончательным шагом на пути к ликвидации свинцовой краски. Для обеспечения значимых достижений необходимы реализация, правоприменение и контроль.
HEJSupport publishes a report summarizing the results of the SAICM Virtual Working Groups (VWGs) and presents recommendations.
What a High Level Declaration should contain? Find out what a group of NGOs suggests.
HEJSupport International coauthored “The Guidance to the Chemicals in Products Programme for non-governmental organizations”. The Guidance explains the role NGOs should play in the implementation of the Programme which is the only international instrument that provides different options for disclosing information on hazardous chemicals in products.
Read the HEJSupport summary report of the meeting in Bangkok to learn about what happened at IP3 and where we are in the development of a new international framework on chemicals and health.
At the SAICM Intersessional Meeting, HEJSupport together with a number of NGOs invited delegates to discuss criteria for Issues of Concern and how to move them forward if they have not achieved their goals.
We are happy to announce our side event on the New Mechanism of Action: How to progress SAICM Issues of Concern beyond 2020. It is taking place Tuesday, October 1 during lunch time (13.15-14.30), conference room MR-C+D.
A group of NGOs, including HEJSupport, submitted a proposal to the SAICM Secretariat for the next IP meeting, taking place in October 2019 Bangkok. The NGOs present in their paper a new mechanism of action and criteria for elevation of obligations to progress SAICM Issues of Concerns (IoCs) in the post 2020 multilateral regime for chemicals and waste.
Jetzt anmelden! PAN-Webinar “SAICM für Einsteiger”,
PAN Germany lädt ein zum Webinar: Ein internationaler Rahmen für eine giftfreie Zukunft – SAICM für Einsteiger, in Kooperation mit HEJSupport und WECF. Es findet statt am 16.09.2019 von 15:00 – 17:00 Uhr.
HEJSupport directors participate in the Open Ended Working Group of SAICM, which is taking place from April 2-4 in Montevideo, Uruguay. The meeting discusses a future framwork for international chemical management.
HEJSupport, EEB and a group of German NGOs (PAN Germany, BUND, WECF, Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung) developed suggestions for the EU member states discussion paper “EU and its Member States input to the draft Outcome document for a Global Strategic Approach for chemicals and waste Beyond 2020“.
Governments, NGOs and industry came together in March 2018 in Stockholm, to discuss the future of SAICM, as its mandate ends by 2020. HEJSupport International