Publication: Guidance to the Chemicals in Products (CiP) Programme for NGOs

HEJSupport International coauthored “The Guidance to the Chemicals in Products Programme for non-governmental organizations“. The Guidance explains the role NGOs should play in the implementation of the Programme which is the only international instrument that provides different options for disclosing information on hazardous chemicals in products.

To play an active role and to be effective in the implementation of the SAICM Chemicals in Products (CiP) Programme, non-governmental organizations need all chemicals in industrial use to be included in information exchanges on chemicals in products. The following major approaches could be considered, from more to less comprehensive:
– disclose all intentionally added chemicals in a product (along with impurities) that are chemicals of concern and their hazards;
– disclose chemicals based on their potential for significant adverse impacts on human health or the environment based on the Strategic Approach criteria. As it is stated in the CiP Programme, “These SAICM criteria, based on hazard and targeting risk reduction, provide an internationally-accepted basis for selection of chemicals under the CiP Programme”. The SIN list developed by the International Chemicals Secretariat, based on the EU official criteria for substances of very high concern, and the Clean Production Action’s GreenScreen List Translator, can here be helpful for the selection.;
– disclose chemicals included into the most progressive regulations available in developed countries; and
– disclose chemicals included into the existing or projected regulations in countries where a product is manufactured, sold, used or expected to be disposed of.

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