Transparency and traceability of chemicals in plastic products are in the draft treaty text
Tag: chemicals in products;

Комментарии сосредоточены на юридически обязательных глобально согласованных требованиях к прозрачности и отслеживаемости химической информации в пластиковых изделиях

Comments focus on legally binding globally harmonized requirements on chemical information transparency and traceability in plastic products

Canada should complete the disclosure and transparency regime throughout the value chain for toxic additives in plastics to ensure tracking and reporting.

Подход, основанный на оценке опасности, – наиболее эффективный метод защиты здоровья от токсичных химических веществ в пластике

A hazard-based approach is the only viable and most effective method for safeguarding health from toxic chemicals in plastics

Suggested new indicators for targets B2 and B3 will help identify success and failure in achieving the objectives of information sharing about chemicals in materials and products.

The primary outcome of IINC 4 discussion was the decision to hold two intersessional meetings between now and INC5

Delegates discuss various provisions of the draft treaty, including reducing virgin polymer production, design criteria for plastic products, and plastic chemicals and polymers of concern.

Дискуссия прошла 15 апреля в режиме онлайн. Основой для дискуссии стала презентация Ольги Сперанской о возможных способах фиксации международного обязательства государств о доступе к информации

Disclosure of chemicals in plastic materials leads to a toxic-free circular economy.

Что лучше: договор с низкими амбициями или полное отсутствие договора?

Despite initial pessimism, at INC2 on Plastics Treaty agreed on some critical points that will move the process forward.

A transparency mechanism, with a traceability requirement, will ensure that the disclosed information is linked to individual materials and products, and can be tracked throughout their life cycles.

NGOs call on Canada to Expand the Single-Use Plastics Ban

The identity of chemicals and polymers of particular concern should be disclosed throughout the entire lifecycle of plastics.

A global guidance on making effective environmental, social and economic claims to facilitate the empowerment of consumers

Неправительственные организации поддерживают такой глобальный договор по пластику, который рассматривает пластик как материал, наполненный токсичными химическими веществами и ставит во главу угла здоровье человека и его право жить в безопасной и здоровой окружающей среде.

Canada’s online survey about the global plastics treaty

Раскрытие информации о химических компонентах пластика способствует сокращению пластикового загрязнения, повышению эффективности использования ресурсов за счет безотходной многооборотной экономики и продвигает право общественности на информацию.

To support an effective circular economy, the recycling strategy for Canada should require the use of a single recyclability label for plastic products that will ensure all product components are toxic-free and are safe for recycling.

To inform country delegates and the NGO community about SAICM developments, HEJSupport, SSNC, groundWork South Africa, and EEB held a webinar on the virtual working group outcomes

Chemical transparency is needed to ensure the effectiveness of the Basel Convention implementation.

The GMTS is a step towards global safety of human health and the environment and stricter regulation or even a complete phase-out of hazardous chemicals.

This side event introduces the concept of the Global Minimum Transparency Standard for Hazardous Chemicals in products.

Did you know? Talc-based baby powder is linked to ovarian cancer. J&J knows, yet it refuses to stop pushing this dangerous product to Black and Brown women around the world.

HEJSupport together with Women`s Voices for the Earth and Women Environmental Network hosted a webinar on plastic- and toxic-free menstruation products. You can find the presentations here.

Consumers need clear, full, reliable and accessible information about chemicals in products.

HEJSupport International coauthored “The Guidance to the Chemicals in Products Programme for non-governmental organizations”. The Guidance explains the role NGOs should play in the implementation of the Programme which is the only international instrument that provides different options for disclosing information on hazardous chemicals in products.

HEJSupport cooperates with the Center for Environmental Solutions (CES) in Belarus to support the development of a stronger, more pluralistic and independent media in Belarus, by building a long-term strategic partnership between NGOs and journalists in Belarus and Germany and by building the capacity of journalists and bloggers in Belarus and Russian speaking countries.