HEJSupport partners with the Consumer Information for Sustainable Consumption and Production Programme (CI-SCP) of the UNEP 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns.
Our activities are closely related to the CI-SCP work, including initiativer on providing product sustainability information, product lifetime extension and ecolabeling.
HEJSupport Podcast series dedicated to inspiring stories of individuals and initiatives working towards a cleaner and healthier world are featured in CI-SCP Newsletter in January 2024.
The Newsletter also provides information about HEJSupport online course on Textiles: From Production to waste management, human rights and pollution.
The course outlines the various human rights, health and environmental and social costs to communities and workers from the production, use, and disposal of a large variety of textiles. It covers the different types of textile materials, including natural and artificial fabric, new materials, mixed materials, and materials with recycled content.
You can enroll using the following link
Upon completion of the course (or one of the other courses), HEJSupport is able to provide certificates to those of you who need them.
Other online courses prepared by HEJSupport are also available on the platform
Courses are available the English, German and Russian.