Brief an Ministerin Schulze fordert Einsatz auf EU Ebene beim Schutz vor Hormongiften

HEJSupport, zusammen mit WECF, PAN Germany, BUND und CHEM Trust, wenden sich als Mitglieder der EDC Free Koalition (europaweiter Zusammenschluss von 70 NGOs), mit einem Brief an die deutsche Umweltministerin Schulze, mit der Bitte sich EU-weit für einen besseren Schutz vor hormonell schädlichen Substanzen (EDCs) einzsetzen. Konkret sollte die Ministerin bei der nächsten Sitzung der EU Umweltminister*innen folgende Punkte fordern:

  • eine schnelle Revision der EU EDC Strategie von 1999, wie von der EU Kommission versprochen
  • einen konkreten EDC Aktionsplan mit Zeitzielen
  • die Erfüllung der Verpflichtungen im 7. Umweltaktionsprogramm der EU zur Minimierung der Exposition gegenüber EDCs

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Brussels, 16th May 2019

Dear Environment Minister,
Re: Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and EU Council of Environment Ministers, 26 June 2019

We are writing to you on behalf of the EDC-Free Europe coalition [1], representing 70 environmental, health, women’s and consumer groups across Europe who share a concern about hormone disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and their impact on our health and wildlife.

Given the many serious concerns expressed during 5th March Environment Council debate, the EDC-Free Europe Coalition is now asking you to agree on Council conclusions at the June Environment Council meeting to urge the European Commission to:

  • act to truly reduce the environment and people’s exposure to EDCs without further delay;
  • present a concrete action plan and a timeline for next steps to move forward;
  • fulfill its obligations to ensure the minimisation of exposure to EDCs as per the requirements of the 7th Environmental Action Programme and as a contribution to the EU commitments for a non-toxic environment [2].

The Coalition was disappointed with the 7 November EC Communication entitled “Towards a comprehensive European Union framework on endocrine disruptors” [3] as it fails to provide a new EU Community Strategy on EDCs to upgrade the one from 1999. The report presented on 2 April 2019 in the European Parliament titled “Endocrine Disruptors: from Scientific Evidence to Human Health Protection” acknowledges a [4]. The Resolution adopted by the European Parliament on 18 April 2019, with an overwhelming majority of 447 out of 502 votes, highlights in particular that [5]:

  • EDCs regrettable time lag between the increase in scientific understanding and the pace of regulatory action are a class of chemicals that is of equivalent concern to substances classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction (CMR substances);
  • there is an urgent need to accelerate test development and validation methods in order to properly identify EDCs;
  • mixture effects and combined exposures should be taken into account in all relevant EU legislation.

It also stresses the urgency for the European Commission to take all necessary actions to ensure a high level of protection of human health and the environment against EDCs.

A revised European strategy on EDCs is also essential in order to build the foundations for a truly non-toxic circular economy, encouraging industrial innovation through safer substitution and non-toxic recycling. The EDC-Free Europe Coalition published in May 2018 a set of eight demands for a successful EU EDC strategy [6].

European citizens and companies can no longer rely on national and local initiatives to attempt to reduce their exposure to EDCs. It is in the interest of all to ensure that there is an effective and comprehensive European approach in this matter in order to guarantee an equal and high level of protection for all citizens and the environment in conformity with the provisions of the EU treaty, as well as a level-playing field for businesses.

In this context, we urge you to agree on Council conclusions calling on the Commission to deliver the promised revision of the 1999 EDC strategy including specific proposals for minimising the use and exposure to EDCs as soon as possible, in particular for the most vulnerable groups.

The EDC Free Europe coalition counts on your support and leadership for this essential issue for health and the environment in Europe.

Ms. Genon K. Jensen
Spokesperson on behalf of the EDC-Free Europe Coalition

Executive Director, Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) HEAL Transparency Register# 00723343929-96

About the EDC-Free Europe coalition:

EDC-Free Europe is a coalition of public interest groups representing more than 70 environmental, health, women’s and consumer groups across Europe who share a concern about hormone disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and their impact on our health and wildlife. Campaign partners include trade unions, consumers, public health and healthcare professionals, advocates for cancer prevention, environmentalists and women’s groups. Website:

[1]  EDC-Free Europe Coalition


[3]  EDC-Free Europe reaction to the EU Commission Communication on endocrine disruptors communication-on-edcs


[5] European Parliament resolution of 18 April 2019 on a comprehensive European Union framework on endocrine disruptors

[6] EDC-Free Europe’s eight demands for a European strategy on EDCs (available in EN, ES, DE, FR, NL)

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