Author : olgaalex
NGOs recommendations for a successful German Circular Economy Strategy
29Nov Blog
New Podcast “Building a world without toxins – Real life stories” launched
24Nov Featured
Globales Plastik-Abkommen
16Nov Plastics
Transparency and Traceability Intervention at INC3 of the Plastic Treaty
16Nov Featured
Letter to EU Commission president to participate in PFAS testing
30Jun Blog
Publication: Guidance to the Chemicals in Products (CiP) Programme for NGOs
10Nov Chemicals in Products
Brief an Ministerin Schulze fordert Einsatz auf EU Ebene beim Schutz vor Hormongiften
22May Featured
4Apr Featured
IPEN film honors women in the network, including HEJSupport directors
13Mar Featured
Deutsche NGOs fordern einen EDC-Aktionsplan
11Mar Featured
HEJSupport at North American consultation on “Innovations for Addressing the Single-Use Plastics Challenge”
7Feb Blog
Welche Rolle spielt die Textilindustrie bei der Verschmutzung von Flüssen?
7Jan Chemicals in Products
POPs Regulation: 22 NGOs urge European Parliament to vote for better protection
15Nov Blog
New EU Communication on endocrine disruptors lacks concrete measures to reduce harmful exposures
7Nov EDCs
EU Plan zum Schutz vor Hormongiften nicht konkret genug
7Nov Hormongifte in Deutschland
Protecting the Health of Women, Children and Future Generations
5Nov GFC
HEJSupport joins Citizens for Science in EU Pesticide Regulation
5Nov Blog
Cooperation between HEJSupport and CES to strengthen environmental journalism in Belarus
17Oct Blog
Fighting global plastic pollution: What difference can women make?
12Oct Plastics
Squirrels in the city exposed to pesticides: It´s a hard life
12Oct Blog
Will EU MEPs allow the violation of the Stockholm Convention?
5Oct Chemicals in Products
Three EECCA countries are taking steps forward to ban plastic products
4Oct Chemicals in Products
Fragrance chemicals harm human health – consumer should know about them
26Sep Chemicals in Products
Methyl-parathion had not met all the criteria for listing under the Rotterdam Convention. Are you serious?
20Sep Blog
NGOs comment on EU paper on the future of SAICM
13Sep GFC
EU Parliament should vote against toxic recycling
12Sep Chemicals in Products
EU Roadmap on EDCs does not emphasize exposure reduction
18Jul EDCs
Deutsche NGOs kritisieren Position der Bundesregierung zu SAICM
7Jun GFC
Europäische NGOs fordern eine europäische EDC Strategie
24May Hormongifte in Deutschland
Together for toxic- and plastic free periods
19May Plastics
Circular economy framework promotes recycling but fails to prevent contaminants in new products: banned toxic chemicals detected in children’s toys
8Feb GFC
New Article: Toxic chemicals threaten current and future generations
21Dec Blog
Human rights issues at UNEA3
19Dec Blog
What happened at UNEA 3?
13Dec Blog
Kein Schutz vor Umwelthormonen: Nach der Entscheidung ist vor der Entscheidung
13Dec Hormongifte in Deutschland
Women and Environments International Magazine
11Dec Women and Chemicals
EU Parlament stimmt gegen ungenügende EDC Kriterien
4Oct Hormongifte in Deutschland
Steckbrief: Hormongifte – Wie muss guter Schutz aussehen?
28Sep Hormongifte in Deutschland
Umweltausschuss im EU Parlament sagt NEIN zu EDC Kriterien
28Sep Hormongifte in Deutschland
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie fordert von Politik besseren Schutz vor Hormongiften
15Sep Hormongifte in Deutschland
Quebec flood: hidden consequences
17Jul Blog
EU Pestizid Kommittee verabschiedet mangelhafte EDC Kriterien
5Jul Hormongifte in Deutschland
Was Sie immer schon über Hormongifte wissen wollten
4Jul None
EU pesticides committee votes for flawed EDC criteria
4Jul EDCs
Hormongifte gefährden Umwelt und Gesundheit – Bundesregierung muss sich stärker gegen ihre Verwendung einsetzen
24May Hormongifte in Deutschland
Verzögerung von Kriterien für Hormongifte bedroht unnötig unsere Gesundheit und die Umwelt
22May Hormongifte in Deutschland
Further delay on EDC criteria maintains risks on health and environment
19May EDCs
Joint letter: EU keep the promise, eliminate POPs
28Mar Blog
NGO Koalition fordert Bundesregierung auf, den EU Vorschlag zur Definition von Hormongiften abzulehnen
22Feb Hormongifte in Deutschland
NGO Bündnis veröffentlich gemeinsame Stellungnahme zu EDCs
3Feb Hormongifte in Deutschland
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