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In 2021, HEJSupport, EEB, and SSNC successfully started a project to raise NGO awareness and understanding of the regulatory processes and policy discussions on chemicals and waste based on SAICM and the EU chemicals policy processes. The project aims to achieve three outcomes: capacity building and awareness raising of the targeted NGOs; NGO movement building; and inform national decision makers and other stakeholders of the NGO Network’s positions relevant to the SAICM intersessional process and beyond.
Project partners invited NGOs from Greece, Serbia, North Macedonia, Portugal, and Ukraine to join forces and build an NGO Network uniting organizations from Europe with a focus on the CEE, South EU, and SEE countries to strengthen their involvement in international and EU chemical policy. 
An NGO Network was set up before the fourth meeting of the Intersessional Process (IP4) to consider the Strategic Approach and sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020 that took place in Bucharest, Romania, during the week of 29 August 2022. The Network now includes more than 30 groups from the targeted countries. They are kept informed via the distribution list and participate in discussions organized by project partners. Members of the Network enrolled in online courses prepared by project partners, which substantially raised their awareness and understanding of SAICM and the intersessional process to develop the new Beyond 2020 instrument on chemicals and waste. 
Moreover, to better coordinate NGO positions, the project partners organized several online meetings on the topics later discussed at IP4. The information received by NGOs during these virtual events helped develop a joint policy position paper that was uploaded on the IP4 website[1] as an information document. More than 20 NGOs have already signed the position paper, including all project partners and many members of the Network. 
In addition to these activities, project partners developed a website[2] dedicated to the NGO’s vision of the scope and key features of the future Beyond 2020 instrument on sound chemicals and waste management. This information resource includes NGO position papers and demands, capacity-building materials, and news related to the Beyond 2020 chemicals and waste policy.
Project partners and many members of the Network participated in IP4 either face-to-face or virtually. The preparatory awareness raising activities carried out in the frame of the project helped NGOs be well prepared for the negotiations and provide substantial input to the discussion. The report from the meeting will soon be available on the project website to add to the information needed to continue NGO involvement in the negotiations on the Beyond 2020 instrument.
Project partners will continue organising network virtual meetings and webinars to assess the performance of the project and identify capacity-building needs. More information materials and working methodologies for the three project pillars will be developed, including a communication and advocacy toolkit combining materials that will facilitate the work of the NGO partners in their political advocacy activities at the national level. Ownership of the project results will be achieved through cooperation and open and transparent communication with the members of the NGO Network.

[1] http://saicm.org/Portals/12/documents/meetings/IP4/2022/SAICM_IP.4_INF_32.pdf
[2] https://hej-support.org/SAICM-networking/
