Sustainable Consumption and Production
Olga Speranskaya is member of the MAC of the working group “Consumer Information” of the UNEP 10YFP Consumption and Production
Alexandra Caterbow is an expert in the working group “Consumer Information” of the UNEP 10YFP Consumption and Production, and the Western Europe (WEOG) focal point for the Women Major Group
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs)
Alexandra Caterbow is the co-chair of the IPEN working group on EDCs, she is a member of the EDC-free Europe NGO coalition.
Chemicals in Products
Olga Speranskaya is the civil society representative in the UNEP SAICM project “Chemicals in Products”
Olga Speranskaya is a former member of the SAICM Bureau
Rotterdam Convention
Alexandra Caterbow is the co-coordinator of the Rotterdam Convention Alliance (ROCA) and NGO representative in and intesessional working group of the Convention
Stockholm Convention
Olga Speranskaya and Alexandra Caterbow follow the Stockholm Convention as NGO observers for many years. Olga Speranskaya is the co-chair of the International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN), which coordinates NGO contribution to the Convention.