We are happy to announce the launch of a new website, www.ptfperiod.info
Our new website is designed to inform people who menstruate about plastic and toxic chemicals in hygienic products, their health and environmental effects, and the availability of more sustainable, plastic and toxic free options on the market. The site involves global perspectives and provides a platform for NGOs and individuals to share their stories, activities and good practice examples.

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HEJSupport is happy to announce a new project on toxic chemicals, health, and plastic pollution. The project entitled “Plastic and Toxic Free Period” is supported by Funding for Social Change Ltd and is part of a broad initiative on plastic and toxic free disposable and reusable menstrual products involving Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE), Women’s Environmental Network (WEN), Environmenstrual Coalition and many others.

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It is important to change corporate behavior, including highlighting better alternatives for personal hygienic products. The multi-billion-dollar industry that manufactures feminine and other hygienic products, profits from the dominance of disposable products. In many countries, both in developing and developed ones, the feminine hygiene industry has successfully convinced women that their period is something which should be kept hidden and related hygienic products should be quickly disposed of.

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