Letter to Ursula von der Leyen – It’s time to end “the worst pollution crisis in human history”: Ban PFAS A coalition of 94 European
Category: Plastics
Plastic pollution became a huge problem for environment and health globally. HEJSupport works towards reduction of plastic production, the elimination of hazardous chemicals in plastics, and strong regulation on national, regional and international level. Our work on plastic- and toxic-free hygiene products, toxic-free recycling and textiles contribute to that goal. We published several articles on the problems of plastics, e.g. for the Plastic Atlas. We especially highlight the link between plastics, women and gender issues.

Transparency and traceability of chemicals in plastic products are in the draft treaty text

Comments focus on legally binding globally harmonized requirements on chemical information transparency and traceability in plastic products

Canada should complete the disclosure and transparency regime throughout the value chain for toxic additives in plastics to ensure tracking and reporting.

PVC releases toxic chemicals that threaten water sources, the ozone layer, and other vital natural elements essential to the planet’s health.

We need a global plastics treaty that protects the health and well-being of all people – including Indigenous Peoples, frontline and fenceline communities and workers

A hazard-based approach is the only viable and most effective method for safeguarding health from toxic chemicals in plastics

Restricted access for civil society is a no-go.

The primary outcome of IINC 4 discussion was the decision to hold two intersessional meetings between now and INC5

Delegates discuss various provisions of the draft treaty, including reducing virgin polymer production, design criteria for plastic products, and plastic chemicals and polymers of concern.

High ambition versus Limited action represent a fundamental difference in how countries prioritize environmental protection and economic interests.

Disclosure of chemicals in plastic materials leads to a toxic-free circular economy.

In the presentation, HEJSupport explains what the Global Minimum Transparency System is and how it can help companies provide accurate information about chemicals in materials and products to different stakeholders.

We support the petition to ban PVC

Which is better: a treaty with low ambition or no treaty?

Toxicity throughout the life cycle of plastics affects our health, leading to infertility and irreversible disorders, particularly in women.

Informationen zu den Verhandlungen für ein globales Plastik-Abkommen

Transparency and traceability of chemicals in plastic materials and products is the foundation of the Plastics Treaty.

Несмотря на первоначальный пессимизм, на МКП2 по Договору о пластике были согласованы некоторые критические моменты, которые позволят продвинуть процесс вперед.

Despite initial pessimism, at INC2 on Plastics Treaty agreed on some critical points that will move the process forward.

Plastics Treaty objective should be mindful of the precautionary approach to end plastic pollution, including chemical components; protect human health and the environment from its adverse effects throughout the life cycle of plastic; and ensure human rights, justice, fairness and equity.

A transparency mechanism, with a traceability requirement, will ensure that the disclosed information is linked to individual materials and products, and can be tracked throughout their life cycles.

Civil society organisations, indigenous peoples, women, vulnerable communities should have the right to participate in Plastic Treaty negotiations

The new plastic treaty has a potential to become the first global agreement that includes harmonized legally binding transparency requirements for information on chemicals and polymers used in plastics.

The German Exit Plastik NGO coalition disucsses plastic in the circular economy with parliamentarians and ministerial representatives.

NGOs call on Canada to Expand the Single-Use Plastics Ban

The identity of chemicals and polymers of particular concern should be disclosed throughout the entire lifecycle of plastics.

Неправительственные организации поддерживают такой глобальный договор по пластику, который рассматривает пластик как материал, наполненный токсичными химическими веществами и ставит во главу угла здоровье человека и его право жить в безопасной и здоровой окружающей среде.

The treaty should address plastic pollution and waste and the health problems created by the chemicals in plastics as they are produced, used, recycled, discarded or incinerated as waste.

The effectiveness of the future plastic treaty implementation depends on the availability of accurate information about what substances are present in plastic materials and products through the entire plastic lifecycle.

Canada’s online survey about the global plastics treaty

To support an effective circular economy, the recycling strategy for Canada should require the use of a single recyclability label for plastic products that will ensure all product components are toxic-free and are safe for recycling.

Poor transparency of information about hazardous chemicals in plastic undermines circular economy

In their comments on plastic recyclability and registry in Canada, NGOs highlighted the problem of toxic additives in plastic and transparency of information.

Chemical transparency is needed to ensure the effectiveness of the Basel Convention implementation.

Including a mandatory transparency standard for the monomers used to formulate the plastics and the additives from the very beginning will pave the way to non-toxic circular economy.

Глобальное соглашение по пластику: причины разработки и основные требования

Adding the theme of transparency for plastic chemicals to the work of INC will facilitate its inclusion into the text of the future binding instrument on plastic.

Пришло время решить пластиковый кризис с помощью юридически обязывающего глобального соглашения!

Canada should be a leader in the global effort to address plastic pollution and immediately begin collecting and publicly releasing annual Canada-wide data on production, import, export, sale, reuse, recycling and disposal of plastic by type and use.

NGOs wrote a letter to the EU Commission about crucial votes on restriction of lead in PVC, Resorcinol as and ED and the ban of lead chromates in paints.

It’s time to act now to collectively address the problem of plastic pollution crisis.

Более 200 организаций солидарны с мировым сообществом в призыве к принятию амбициозного и всеобъемлющего решения для борьбы с бедствием пластикового загрязнения.

The report by the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and toxics highlights the human rights implications of toxic additives in plastics and the life cycle stages of plastic, including the rights of women, children, workers, and indigenous peoples.

It is not sufficient to simply focus on data collection by expanding the monitoring of PFAS in the environment – the efforts on PFAS must include a roadmap to move to informed substitution and innovation with safer products and chemicals.

Environmental groups are urging the government of Canada to defend listing #plastic as toxic and move ahead to implement the promised regulations.

HEJSupport new on-line information resource on sustainability related topics in the textile and fashion industry provides a platform for progressive voices willing to share their vision and ideas on different aspects of sustainability in the textile and garment industry.

#WeChooseReuse – Einwegplastik durch Mehrwegsysteme ersetzen und diese Petition zeichnen.

The first issue of HEJYouth’s international magazine focuses on the global plastic pollution crisis and what young people can do about it.

The new rules are light on measures to reduce plastics that end up in landfills, incinerators and the natural environment.

We urge Canada to join the 138 countries calling for a global agreement on plastic pollution to be established at the UN Environment Assembly in February 2022.

Listing plastic under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) is an important step towards minimizing plastic’s threat and a strong signal to the plastic industry that the government is taking the plastic crisis seriously.

We urge Canada’s Standing Committee to include a focus on the impacts to health and environment associated with toxic chemicals used in the production of plastic and plastic products and those associated with the management of such plastics throughout the lifecycle of plastics.

The negotiations of US-Canada arrangement was not released for public review and therefore substantial matters including the definition of environmentally sound recycling was not reviewed.

HEJ Support Co-director Olga Speranskaya speaks at webinar on plastic pollution in the Great Lakes.

HEJSupport, among other NGOs, sent a letter to the EU Commission to support the most recent version of the SUP Directive Guidelines.

Consumers deserve to be told the truth. There is a need for mandatory full disclosure of the presence of toxic substances in products

For UNEA5 several NGOs, including HEJSupport, submit a written statement for the Leadership Dialogue.

An efficient e-waste management is based on government commitment; regulatory requirements and enforcement; a social orientation towards separate waste collection; and environment and health protection through safe toxic-free product design and transparency of chemical information.

Every day Canada fails to act, another 7,900 tonnes of plastic waste end up in our landfills and environment.

With this course we hope to expand the discussion about the future of SAICM beyond 2020 and involve many people and organizations from around the world into the conversation.

HEJSupport cosigned a joint NGO letter to the Environment Ministers of the EU Member States urging them to take a decisive stand against plastic waste –hazardous to human health and the environment.

The NGO discussion paper recommends objectives to be included in the Canadian approach to plastic.

The absence of recognizing the impacts of toxic substances and additives found in recyclables undermines the circular economy framework on the safety of materials to be circulated through the system.

Prime Minister Trudeau, you have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to end plastic pollution in Canada

HEJSupport, with other NGOs, express concern over a bilateral arrangement between Canada and the US regarding plastic waste.

Gemeinsam mit acht weiteren NGOs hat HEJSupport einen offenen Brief verfasst.

Even small amounts of toxic plastic chemical additives can result in cancers, damage to immune and reproductive systems, impaired intellectual functions, and/or developmental delays.

Olga Speranskaya, HEJSupport Co-Director, and Fé de Leon , CELA Researcher and Paralegal write to the Plastics and Waste Management Directorate of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Canada to support strong measures on plastic waste management and outline actions needed to address plastic waste in Canada.

Can I recycle this? A global mapping and assessment of standards, labels, and claims on plastic packaging

The Basel Convention made progress to reduce plastic waste trade. 600 attendees of the OEWG discussed next steps.

Microplastics account for approximately 40% of all plastic that ends up in the ocean.

Compliance to Basel Convention amendments on plastics and “no consensus” under OECD WG key contributing factors

Several NGOs, including HEJSupport, published a BAN (Basel Action Network) press release, denouncing Europe`s “Do As I Say, Not As I Do”.

The impacts of PBDEs to health and the environment will continue to be of global concern with several Parties to the Stockholm Convention that have not withdrawn their need for the exemption.

HEJSupport co-signed the letter to EU leadership demanding long lasting solutions to the plastic crisis for a more resiliten economy.

Watch a new video from HEJYouth team to learn more!

It appears as though tthe advocacy efforts may be paying off, as experts within the packaging industry are finally responding to consumer concerns.

The Assessment confirms that larger plastic items like bags and straws can physically harm animals and negatively affect their habitat. The report also highlights microplastic pollution, noting evidence of negative effects on animals and the environment and uncertainties regarding the potential for effects on humans.

“I think the public just isn’t aware of how much we’re failing to step up and do our bit to stop the pollution of the oceans and land with plastic,” said Kathleen Ruff, founder of the environmental group RightOnCanada.

Including plastics under CEPA is a precursor to a ban on specific polymers and certain single-use items .

Recycled plastics can contain some of the world’s most hazardous chemicals. It is time we put an end to this toxic policy.

Everyone is aware of the negative impact that plastics can have on the environment and health, but few are concerned with the minutiae of the problem.

Im gemeinsamen Forderungskatalog “Wege aus der Platikkrise” zeigen deutsche Umweltverbände, darunter HEJSupport, die Plastikkrise entlang des gesamten Lebenszyklus auf.

Pressemitteilung: Wege aus der Plastikkrise: 15 Forderungen der deutschen Zivilgesellschaft an die Bundesregierung

A group of NGOs, including HEJSupport, sent a letter to the REACH Committee to urge them to restrict the use of lead in PVC as it will reduce the emissions of this highly toxic chemical.

HEJSupport is happy to announce a new project on toxic chemicals, health, and plastic pollution. The project entitled “Plastic and Toxic Free Period” is supported by Funding for Social Change Ltd and is part of a broad initiative on plastic and toxic free disposable and reusable menstrual products involving Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE), Women’s Environmental Network (WEN), Environmenstrual Coalition and many others.

In a joint letter NGOs urge Canada to advance its work on plastic pollution by supporting Norway’s proposal.

It is important to change corporate behavior, including highlighting better alternatives for personal hygienic products. The multi-billion-dollar industry that manufactures feminine and other hygienic products, profits from the dominance of disposable products. In many countries, both in developing and developed ones, the feminine hygiene industry has successfully convinced women that their period is something which should be kept hidden and related hygienic products should be quickly disposed of.

The challenge: Most of female sanitary products contain up to 90% plastic and toxic chemicals. The average woman will use 12,000 to 16,000 disposable feminine hygiene products in her lifetime and it can take up to 100 years or more for something like a plastic pad or applicator to break down. HEJSupport is working together with other NGOs for toxic- and plastic-free periods.