Together with nine other organistions HEJSupport protested in front of the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI) building against their disgusting lobbying activities on PFAS. Research
Category: Featured

Letter to Ursula von der Leyen – It’s time to end “the worst pollution crisis in human history”: Ban PFAS A coalition of 94 European

HEJSupport has co-signed a joint NGO letter urging the European Commission to prioritize the plastics and polymers sector in the first Working Plan of the

Invitation to the hybrid Side Event “Addressing Environmental and Labor Rights Risks: Engaging Stakeholders through Rightsholder-Based Monitoring for Effective Due Diligence” at Forum on Due

EU Competitiveness Compass must safeguard social and environmental protections More than 270 civil society organisations, including HEJSupport, trade unions, consumer groups, farmers organisations, civil rights

Development and environmental NGOs have launched a public portal highlighting risks in the global supply chain. of clothing, textiles and footwear: Human rights are

Transparency and traceability of chemicals in plastic products are in the draft treaty text

The EDC-Free Europe coalition, which is a group of over 70 environmental, health, women’s, and consumer groups across Europe, united in concern over the health and

Comments focus on legally binding globally harmonized requirements on chemical information transparency and traceability in plastic products

Canada should complete the disclosure and transparency regime throughout the value chain for toxic additives in plastics to ensure tracking and reporting.

PVC releases toxic chemicals that threaten water sources, the ozone layer, and other vital natural elements essential to the planet’s health.

We need a global plastics treaty that protects the health and well-being of all people – including Indigenous Peoples, frontline and fenceline communities and workers

A hazard-based approach is the only viable and most effective method for safeguarding health from toxic chemicals in plastics

Suggested new indicators for targets B2 and B3 will help identify success and failure in achieving the objectives of information sharing about chemicals in materials and products.

Now that UNEP and WHO calling for expert nominations it is timely to make sure that no expert that has any link to industry is able to be part of the group of experts in charge of updating this important report.

Restricted access for civil society is a no-go.

The primary outcome of IINC 4 discussion was the decision to hold two intersessional meetings between now and INC5

Delegates discuss various provisions of the draft treaty, including reducing virgin polymer production, design criteria for plastic products, and plastic chemicals and polymers of concern.

High ambition versus Limited action represent a fundamental difference in how countries prioritize environmental protection and economic interests.

Disclosure of chemicals in plastic materials leads to a toxic-free circular economy.

In the presentation, HEJSupport explains what the Global Minimum Transparency System is and how it can help companies provide accurate information about chemicals in materials and products to different stakeholders.

HEJSupport took the opportunity to submit feedback to the EU consultations on the restrictions on bisphenol A (BPA) and other bisphenols in food contact materials (FCMs). It is very important that the EU will cover all bisphenols in their legislation on FCMs and not just a handful, to protect human health and the environment.

Toys should not contain hazardous chemicals. A ban of PFAS and bisphenols is urgently needed.

Join in and sign this important petition for a toxic-free Europe!

HEJSupport podcast and online courses are featured in the Consumer Information Programme Newsletter of January 2024.

We support the petition to ban PVC

A new five-point EDC plan covers five areas of action. Another document with a concret action plan was announced.

How do toxins affect our lives, and what can we do about it? Listen to our new podcast on chemicals in textiles.

Which is better: a treaty with low ambition or no treaty?

Toxicity throughout the life cycle of plastics affects our health, leading to infertility and irreversible disorders, particularly in women.

Transparency and traceability of chemicals in plastic materials and products is the foundation of the Plastics Treaty.

Critical decisions made at the fifth session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management
At the 5th International Conference on Chemicals Management, delegates adopted a Global Framework on Chemicals (GFC)

Human health, human rights and environmental protection should form the foundational principles of all commitments highlighted in the High-Level Declaration of ICCM5.

NGOs fordern: Der Vorschlag zur PFAS Regulierung darf im Bundesrat nicht aufgeweicht werden.

A Group of NGOs prepared comments on the Non-paper on Strategic Objectives and Targets.

IoCs are recognized of and of cross-cutting importance to the chemicals and waste work and Agenda 2030. As such, they should not be airily
sunsetted without a thorough evaluation also of their universal values.

This information document presents the case for how a harmonized “Global Cross-sectoral Transparency System” (GCTS) that could easily be constructed based on already existing elements and suggestions in the SAICM Chemicals in Products Programme.

UNEP consultation on Issues of Concern was conducted to gather information from stakeholders about the next steps that should be taken on 19 issues of concern.

Gemeinsame Pressemitteilung vom Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland, dem European Network for Environmental Medicine, Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung, Health Environment Justice Support, Pestizid Aktions-Netzwerk Deutschland und Women Engage for a Common Future

Save the Date – 22nd of September 2023

Management of chemicals and waste is a cross-cutting issue. It should be viewed as key for solving several elements of the planetary crisis and other global emergencies, such as health, food and energy security.

Women leaders educate families and local communities about toxic chemical health threats, care for children suffering from exposure, and generate data that justify the urgency of addressing the health effects of toxic chemicals.

Despite initial pessimism, at INC2 on Plastics Treaty agreed on some critical points that will move the process forward.

Plastics Treaty objective should be mindful of the precautionary approach to end plastic pollution, including chemical components; protect human health and the environment from its adverse effects throughout the life cycle of plastic; and ensure human rights, justice, fairness and equity.

A transparency mechanism, with a traceability requirement, will ensure that the disclosed information is linked to individual materials and products, and can be tracked throughout their life cycles.

Civil society organisations, indigenous peoples, women, vulnerable communities should have the right to participate in Plastic Treaty negotiations

The new plastic treaty has a potential to become the first global agreement that includes harmonized legally binding transparency requirements for information on chemicals and polymers used in plastics.

Military bases and airports are a significant cause of water contamination because of the use of aqueous film-forming firefighting foams containing PFAS

The German Exit Plastik NGO coalition disucsses plastic in the circular economy with parliamentarians and ministerial representatives.

NGOs call on Canada to Expand the Single-Use Plastics Ban

The identity of chemicals and polymers of particular concern should be disclosed throughout the entire lifecycle of plastics.

Nach einem Jahr Ampelkoalition bilanzieren HEJSupport, Südwind, Inkota und FEMNET die Arbeit des Textilbündnisses in Deutschland.

A global guidance on making effective environmental, social and economic claims to facilitate the empowerment of consumers

The treaty should address plastic pollution and waste and the health problems created by the chemicals in plastics as they are produced, used, recycled, discarded or incinerated as waste.

The effectiveness of the future plastic treaty implementation depends on the availability of accurate information about what substances are present in plastic materials and products through the entire plastic lifecycle.

On November 1, the SAICM IP4 Co-chairs hold a consultation meeting with stakeholder representatives to further develop the IP Co-Chairs single consolidated document and discuss other key issues to be considered in advance of the resumed IP4.2.

Canada’s online survey about the global plastics treaty

To support an effective circular economy, the recycling strategy for Canada should require the use of a single recyclability label for plastic products that will ensure all product components are toxic-free and are safe for recycling.

Poor transparency of information about hazardous chemicals in plastic undermines circular economy

Deutsche NGOs, darunter HEJSupport, fordern die EU-Kommission auf, die für dieses Jahr geplante REACH Revision umzusetzen und nicht auf den Sankt Nimmerleinstag zu verschieben.

In their comments on plastic recyclability and registry in Canada, NGOs highlighted the problem of toxic additives in plastic and transparency of information.

Governments and stakeholder met to establish a SPP for chemicals and waste. Read our statement on behalf of the WMG.

HEJSupport new publication “EDCs in GHS: toward a global solution to the identification of EDCs” highlights the importance of developing the EDC criteria for GHS and elaborates on the ideas of moving forward.

Read about what happened at IP4.

HEJSupport participates at the SAICM IP4 meeting. See some updates here.

To inform country delegates and the NGO community about SAICM developments, HEJSupport, SSNC, groundWork South Africa, and EEB held a webinar on the virtual working group outcomes

Market control of all paints sold at the national level should be conducted on a regular basis to ensure compliance with the existing national regulations or to empower the development/revision of the regulations;

Decisions made by the Parties to the BRS Conventions will influence sound chemicals and waste management worldwide.

Join our joint webinar, organized by HEJSupport, SSNC, groundWork, and EEB on Monday, 27th of June
Presenters: HEJSupport and CIEL

Chemical transparency is needed to ensure the effectiveness of the Basel Convention implementation.

The GMTS is a step towards global safety of human health and the environment and stricter regulation or even a complete phase-out of hazardous chemicals.

Including a mandatory transparency standard for the monomers used to formulate the plastics and the additives from the very beginning will pave the way to non-toxic circular economy.

HEJSupport publishes a report summarizing the results of the SAICM Virtual Working Groups (VWGs) and presents recommendations.

Adding the theme of transparency for plastic chemicals to the work of INC will facilitate its inclusion into the text of the future binding instrument on plastic.

GMTS is a keystone tool for achieving sustainable natural resource management and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

UN Major Groups and Stakeholders adopted a Joint Global Statement and provided recommendations to UN draft resolutions under four clusters.

Canada should be a leader in the global effort to address plastic pollution and immediately begin collecting and publicly releasing annual Canada-wide data on production, import, export, sale, reuse, recycling and disposal of plastic by type and use.

Have a look at our submissions and recommendations on draft resolutions in the chemicals and waste cluster.

NGOs call for the Science-Policy Platform to be free from political, commercial, or economic interests.

A summary report by HEJSupport compares findings from Ukraine and Kazakhstan with data from Brazil

NGOs wrote a letter to the EU Commission about crucial votes on restriction of lead in PVC, Resorcinol as and ED and the ban of lead chromates in paints.

Most Canadians have no idea they probably have PFAS chemicals (Per- and Polyfluoroalkly Substances) in their bodies, nor understand how they got exposed.

HEJSupport jointly with SSNC and groundWork, is hosting a Session on the Global Minimum Transparency Standard (GMTS) at the “Tomorrow without Toxics” Conference. Please, join us on November 23 as 12 p.m. CET.

HEJSupport is happy to announce our Session on Women and Chemicals, wich is jointly organized with WECF, AWHHE and ToxicsLink.

Pressemitteilung der zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen im Textilbündnis, darunter HEJSupport.

It’s time to act now to collectively address the problem of plastic pollution crisis.

Более 200 организаций солидарны с мировым сообществом в призыве к принятию амбициозного и всеобъемлющего решения для борьбы с бедствием пластикового загрязнения.

Read our submission to the EU Commission on the revision of the EU Toy Safety Directive.

The UN Human Rights Council passed the resolution that recognizes human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.

The report by the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and toxics highlights the human rights implications of toxic additives in plastics and the life cycle stages of plastic, including the rights of women, children, workers, and indigenous peoples.

Policy measures and regulations are needed to give consumers access to reliable information that encourages them to keep products for longer.

It is not sufficient to simply focus on data collection by expanding the monitoring of PFAS in the environment – the efforts on PFAS must include a roadmap to move to informed substitution and innovation with safer products and chemicals.

Environmental groups are urging the government of Canada to defend listing #plastic as toxic and move ahead to implement the promised regulations.

Addressing chemical and waste pollution and human exposure is as important as combating the climate crisis and the loss of biodiversity.

The second edition of HEJ!Youth’s international magazine focuses on a variety of issues related to chemicals exposure on women.

Toxic chemicals in toys can be released into the environment causing pollution and affecting health. Read more about challenges in disclosing chemicals of concern in toys and ways to improve transparency and regulations to ensure toys are safe for children and the environment.

HEJSupport new on-line information resource on sustainability related topics in the textile and fashion industry provides a platform for progressive voices willing to share their vision and ideas on different aspects of sustainability in the textile and garment industry.

In May 2021, HEJSupport was an invited scholar to speak at the Caribbean Poison Prevention Week webinar on “Gender and Chemicals”.

The Campaign #Wardrobe Change, where HEJSupport is a member, launched its position paper

#WeChooseReuse – Einwegplastik durch Mehrwegsysteme ersetzen und diese Petition zeichnen.

The first issue of HEJYouth’s international magazine focuses on the global plastic pollution crisis and what young people can do about it.

The new rules are light on measures to reduce plastics that end up in landfills, incinerators and the natural environment.

Further behavioral changes may be supported by increasing transparency and accountability in the fashion value chain, through more visible sustainability standards, consumer education and access to information.

NGOs believe strongly that Bill C-28 should advance to the House Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development for consideration this spring.

NGOs support the importance of implementing risk mitigation and management actions aimed at reducing PFAS chemicals in the Great Lakes waters, wildlife, and people.

We urge Canada to join the 138 countries calling for a global agreement on plastic pollution to be established at the UN Environment Assembly in February 2022.

Listing plastic under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) is an important step towards minimizing plastic’s threat and a strong signal to the plastic industry that the government is taking the plastic crisis seriously.

We urge Canada’s Standing Committee to include a focus on the impacts to health and environment associated with toxic chemicals used in the production of plastic and plastic products and those associated with the management of such plastics throughout the lifecycle of plastics.

NGOs fordern von der Bundesregierung einen EDC Aktionsplan zum Schutz von Umwelt und Gesundheit

The negotiations of US-Canada arrangement was not released for public review and therefore substantial matters including the definition of environmentally sound recycling was not reviewed.

Overview of the on-line discussion on the global sound management of chemicals and waste

The stakeholders should use the time between now and the face-to-face meetings to address gaps identified in the Global Chemical Outlook and the UNEP assessment report of Issues of Concern towards achieving the 2020 goal and contribute to the 2030 Agenda.

According to a 2019 study on the use of HHPs in Russia, there is an increasing trend in the use of chemical plant protection products in the country.

In the letter to the Canadian Ministry of Conservation, Environment, and Parks, NGOs note that due to the hazardous nature of the targeted materials and their potential for harm, ensuring effective Regulation for Hazardous and Special Products is critical.

In 2019 and 2020 NGOs from EECCA conducted a detailed study of the use of HHPs in their countries More than 30 HHPs from PAN HHPs list are applied in each EECCA country that participated in the study.

HEJ Support Co-director Olga Speranskaya speaks at webinar on plastic pollution in the Great Lakes.

Since its adoption, SAICM has proved to be an important international framework for promoting and advancing chemical safety objectives. Learn more about its history, governance, and the process towards beyond 2020 chemical and waste strategy

Consumers deserve to be told the truth. There is a need for mandatory full disclosure of the presence of toxic substances in products

For UNEA5 several NGOs, including HEJSupport, submit a written statement for the Leadership Dialogue.

An efficient e-waste management is based on government commitment; regulatory requirements and enforcement; a social orientation towards separate waste collection; and environment and health protection through safe toxic-free product design and transparency of chemical information.

During the period of prevention of the spread of viral infections,
in particular the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 Use mainly personal protective equipment (PPE) that does not increase the likelihood of exposure to EDCs. Fabric reusable masks are best for this purpose.

No system for collection and disposal of mercury-containing solid waste is in place in Kazkakhstan.

Every day Canada fails to act, another 7,900 tonnes of plastic waste end up in our landfills and environment.

The EU Commission released a public consultation of new strategy on sustainable textiles. HEJSupport submitted comments.

The High Level Declaration should call on the entire United Nations system to make the Beyond 2020 framework central to their policies and programmes wherever it involves chemicals and waste.

In a joint letter, NGOs demanded an end to the unethical practice of exporting pesticides banned in the EU.

For the intersessional discussions on the future of SAICM, HEJSupport and other NGOs submitted recommendations to the Virtual Working Groups.

With this course we hope to expand the discussion about the future of SAICM beyond 2020 and involve many people and organizations from around the world into the conversation.

HEJSupport cosigned a joint NGO letter to the Environment Ministers of the EU Member States urging them to take a decisive stand against plastic waste –hazardous to human health and the environment.

The NGO discussion paper recommends objectives to be included in the Canadian approach to plastic.

The absence of recognizing the impacts of toxic substances and additives found in recyclables undermines the circular economy framework on the safety of materials to be circulated through the system.

Prime Minister Trudeau, you have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to end plastic pollution in Canada

Watch the recording of our online discussion.

HEJSupport, with other NGOs, express concern over a bilateral arrangement between Canada and the US regarding plastic waste.

What a High Level Declaration should contain? Find out what a group of NGOs suggests.

Here is what we think about the international aspects in the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability.

This week, we expect the European Commission to present a truly transformative Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability, driving the detoxification and decarbonisation
of our economies, while creating millions of secure jobs.

NGOs fordern Bundesregierung auf, der Chemiepolitik einen größeren Stellenwert beizumessen und mehr für Schutz von Umwelt und Gesundheit zu tun.

Even small amounts of toxic plastic chemical additives can result in cancers, damage to immune and reproductive systems, impaired intellectual functions, and/or developmental delays.

Olga Speranskaya, HEJSupport Co-Director, and Fé de Leon , CELA Researcher and Paralegal write to the Plastics and Waste Management Directorate of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Canada to support strong measures on plastic waste management and outline actions needed to address plastic waste in Canada.

Can I recycle this? A global mapping and assessment of standards, labels, and claims on plastic packaging

Read our recommendations about possible ways to refom the EU regulatory framework on EDCs.

If sustainability at all levels of the fashion industry is both regulated and rewarded, the shift toward a circular economy devoid of dependence on carbon emissions will become intuitive.

The Basel Convention made progress to reduce plastic waste trade. 600 attendees of the OEWG discussed next steps.

Did you know? Talc-based baby powder is linked to ovarian cancer. J&J knows, yet it refuses to stop pushing this dangerous product to Black and Brown women around the world.

Microplastics account for approximately 40% of all plastic that ends up in the ocean.

The fact sheet provides a quick overview of examples of texts in international agreements and national legislation that emphasize a gender perspective.

For decades, consumers have been led to believe that recycling is the solution to all of our waste woes, but the truth is recycling systems were never designed to manage the volume and complexity of materials on the market.

Incineration, energy-from-waste, and other forms of thermal treatment should be not allowed when recycling is possible. Hazardous materials should be banned from disposal in non-hazardous waste landfills.

Compliance to Basel Convention amendments on plastics and “no consensus” under OECD WG key contributing factors

Several NGOs, including HEJSupport, published a BAN (Basel Action Network) press release, denouncing Europe`s “Do As I Say, Not As I Do”.

Mercury poisoning and exposure to children and youth is a very crucial problem which needs to be heard by everybody. Do you know what you can do to make a differece?

On June 17, 2020 HEJSupport held a webinar on the topic of women and mercury. HEJSupport brought together internationally recognized experts to share new approaches to minimize mercury exposure and highlight the needs and voices of women.

HEJSupport expects the EU Commission to deliver strong activities on the EU`s work on global policy level.

Am 17. Juni 2020 findet im Bundestag eine Anhörung zu Endokrine Disruptoren statt. NGOs veröffentlichen dazu eine gemeinsame Stellungnahme.

Informieren Sie sich und diskutieren Sie im Webinar „Gesundheit geht vor! Für ein Verbot von Hormongiften“ mit uns konkrete Forderungen, die an die Bundesregierung zu stellen sind.

Lesen Sie in diesem neuen Hintergrundpapier eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigesten Fakten.

The process of environmental decision-making in the time of COVID-19 pandemic has changed significantly. This impacts the way countries collaborate to address numerous issues including those related to sound chemicals and waste management.

This webinar brings together international experts to discuss ways to minimize the impact of mercury on women.

The impacts of PBDEs to health and the environment will continue to be of global concern with several Parties to the Stockholm Convention that have not withdrawn their need for the exemption.

The COVID-19 crisis is exposing global inequalities in the fashion industry, as international corporations have moved to cancel orders already in production.

Find a list of legal texts and information sources from international organisations.

The Norwegian presidency of UNEA5 asked stakeholders to provide input to specified questions on the ministerial declaration of UNEA5. HEJSupport, together with other NGOs, sent a joint submission to highlight a few key topics.

We are happy to announce our new webinar series on women and chemicals. Learn more about the topic and contribute to the global discussion.

All clothing production adversely affects the environment in some way, but there are brands working to make the transition to sustainable fashion.

Canada has no longer required the toxic recycling exemption for tetrabromodiphenyl ether, pentabromodiphenyl ether, hexabromodiphenyl ether, and heptabromodiphenyl ether listed in the Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutant.

HEJSupport co-signed the letter to EU leadership demanding long lasting solutions to the plastic crisis for a more resiliten economy.

Concerted efforts by advocates and consumers are needed to push textile and fashion corporations toward environmental responsibility, from production to disposal.

Watch a new video from HEJYouth team to learn more!

We are happy to present the new film from our HEJYouth Group! It gives you 5 Tipps to sustainably transform your wardrobe.

While toxic chemicals may negatively affect the health of all people, certain populations are particularly vulnerable to the potentially adverse impacts resulting from unregulated chemicals. These include groups such as undocumented workers, who may be disproportionately exposed to these unsafe substances, and women, who tend to be more vulnerable to biological disruption.

Engaging in sustainable shopping practices and choosing environmentally-responsible brands can further progress the industry as companies begin to realize that sustainability can be good for business.

It appears as though tthe advocacy efforts may be paying off, as experts within the packaging industry are finally responding to consumer concerns.

The Assessment confirms that larger plastic items like bags and straws can physically harm animals and negatively affect their habitat. The report also highlights microplastic pollution, noting evidence of negative effects on animals and the environment and uncertainties regarding the potential for effects on humans.

Despite thousands of studies that highlight its health effects, the global BPA market continues to increase at about 3 percent per year and is projected to top seven million tons by the end of 2023.

“I think the public just isn’t aware of how much we’re failing to step up and do our bit to stop the pollution of the oceans and land with plastic,” said Kathleen Ruff, founder of the environmental group RightOnCanada.

Including plastics under CEPA is a precursor to a ban on specific polymers and certain single-use items .

Recycled plastics can contain some of the world’s most hazardous chemicals. It is time we put an end to this toxic policy.

How much do you know about endocrine disrupting chemicals? Do you have any particular concerns? Share your views by March 9th.

The textile and fashion industries are among the largest and the most polluting industries in the world. They must explore strategies geared towards improving sustainability in order to minimise resource use, pollution and waste.

Everyone is aware of the negative impact that plastics can have on the environment and health, but few are concerned with the minutiae of the problem.

Webinar Summary “Sustainable Fashion? How companies provide sustainability information to consumers”
Want to know more about how companies provide sustainability information to consumers? Listen to our webinar recording.

You had no time to attend the webinar? No problem, please find all presentation and the recording here.

Im gemeinsamen Forderungskatalog “Wege aus der Platikkrise” zeigen deutsche Umweltverbände, darunter HEJSupport, die Plastikkrise entlang des gesamten Lebenszyklus auf.

Pressemitteilung: Wege aus der Plastikkrise: 15 Forderungen der deutschen Zivilgesellschaft an die Bundesregierung

How is the EU doing regarding the identification and regulation of endocrine disruptors? Unfortunately, very poorly.

Canadian groups seek greater protection to the environment and health.

The Strategic Appraoch on International Chemicals Management (SAICM) is an important UN Framework for the work on chemicals and waste. Its mandate will end by 2020 and currently governments, industry and NGOs are working on a successor framework. Learn more about the latest developments and ideas.

The UN resolution should be clear about the linkages between chemicals and other clusters, including gender, circular economy, climate, biodiversity. The resolution should also welcome the outcomes of ICCM5, be short, and concrete.

HEJSupport was among 15 NGOs and networks providing feedback on the draft amendment of Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2019/1021 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the listing of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), its salts and PFOA-related compounds.

HEJSupport together with Women`s Voices for the Earth and Women Environmental Network hosted a webinar on plastic- and toxic-free menstruation products. You can find the presentations here.

Consumers need clear, full, reliable and accessible information about chemicals in products.

HEJSupport International coauthored “The Guidance to the Chemicals in Products Programme for non-governmental organizations”. The Guidance explains the role NGOs should play in the implementation of the Programme which is the only international instrument that provides different options for disclosing information on hazardous chemicals in products.

Environmental groups wrote to incoming Commission president Ursula von der Leyen today, warning that powerful European chemical laws are not being enforced.

Read the HEJSupport summary report of the meeting in Bangkok to learn about what happened at IP3 and where we are in the development of a new international framework on chemicals and health.

On the eve of the International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of Action HEJSupport Co-Director Olga Speranskaya speaks about lead poisoning through paints in Europe.

At the SAICM Intersessional Meeting, HEJSupport together with a number of NGOs invited delegates to discuss criteria for Issues of Concern and how to move them forward if they have not achieved their goals.

We are happy to announce our side event on the New Mechanism of Action: How to progress SAICM Issues of Concern beyond 2020. It is taking place Tuesday, October 1 during lunch time (13.15-14.30), conference room MR-C+D.

UNEP published a new study on illegal trade in chemicals and pesticides. HEJSupport Co-Director Olga Speranskaya was one of the lead authors.

A group of NGOs, including HEJSupport, submitted a proposal to the SAICM Secretariat for the next IP meeting, taking place in October 2019 Bangkok. The NGOs present in their paper a new mechanism of action and criteria for elevation of obligations to progress SAICM Issues of Concerns (IoCs) in the post 2020 multilateral regime for chemicals and waste.

NGOs sent a letter to members of the REACH Committee, prior to its meeting on September 17-18, 2019. Crucial decsions are planned to be taken, that have a wide impact on human health and environment in the EU.

We are happy to announce the launch of a new website,
Our new website is designed to inform people who menstruate about plastic and toxic chemicals in hygienic products, their health and environmental effects, and the availability of more sustainable, plastic and toxic free options on the market. The site involves global perspectives and provides a platform for NGOs and individuals to share their stories, activities and good practice examples.

Jetzt anmelden! PAN-Webinar “SAICM für Einsteiger”,
PAN Germany lädt ein zum Webinar: Ein internationaler Rahmen für eine giftfreie Zukunft – SAICM für Einsteiger, in Kooperation mit HEJSupport und WECF. Es findet statt am 16.09.2019 von 15:00 – 17:00 Uhr.

HEJSupport submitted comments on the EU Commission Roadmap for the Fitness Check on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs). The EU Commission has failed to deliver protective measures from EDCs for health and envrionment.

The Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA) and HEJSupport
are pleased to see that the Ontario Government is moving forward quickly on electronic waste and batteries under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act.

HEJSupport and 10 more NGOs from 6 countries prepared a submission to SAICM Secretariat based on two questions.

27 NGOs express concerns about delay of the outcome of the EU chemicals policy fitness check.

Read our new article about sustainable textiles and the demand of consumers. The textiles industry is one of the largest industries in the world. Its supply-chain includes agriculture, manufacturing, processing, fabric care, use, recycling and disposal. Nearly all countries are involved in the textile industry though the actual involvement can vary from textile and product design and development of manufacturing technologies, to actual production and shipping to numerous locations. However all countries face the growing problem of textile waste management directly linked to unsustainable textile production and use.

On June 10, HEJSupport and Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) met with representatives of Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) to discuss important issues on measures to address toxic chemicals in plastic waste and recycled consumer products.

Mehr als 100 Nichtregierungsorganisationen, darunter HEJSupport, fordern von Gesundheitsminister Spahn einem generellen Verbot von Amalgamfüllungen zuzustimmen.

HEJSupport fordert, gemeinsam mit anderen NGOs, Umweltministerin Schulze auf, sich bei der Umweltministerin für eine EU EDC Strategie einzusetzen.

It is assumed that personal care products are designed not only to simplify the life of a modern woman, but also to protect them against external pollution, hinder the development of bacteria, and generally stand guard over women’s health. However, in practice this is far from the case.

The growing levels of plastic litter impacts the life of local communities by putting the biodiversity, ecosystems, fisheries, tourism and people’s health at risk, with women and children affected the most.

Gender equality is a basic human rights and development issue as underlined in a number of international and regional human rights instruments. The course will help you better understand the global international frameworks related to gender and environment, including the link between gender, biodiversity, climate change, land degradation, international waters, and chemicals and waste.

HEJSupport and Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) have appealed to Environment and Climate Change Canada with a call to withdraw Canada’s recycling exemptions for some flame retardants.

HEJSupport, Arnika, IPEN, EEB, HEAL, CIEL, WECF, Ecologistas en Action wrote a letter to Mr. Juergen Helbig, the European Commission with the request to withdraw EU’s recycling exemptions under the Stockholm Convention for materials such as plastics and foam containing the persistent organic pollutants used as flame retardant chemicals.

HEJSupport joined the Canadian Environmental Law Association, Toronto Environmental Alliance, Citizens’ Network on Waste Management, Citizens Environment Alliance, Grand River Environmental Network, and Environment Hamilton in objecting “thermal treatment” as the primary means to reduce waste volumes going to landfill.

Canadian consumers should be able to purchase products made of recycled materials without having to worry that they contain substances that are globally banned.

HEJSupport, IPEN, CELA, Arnika urge immediate action by Canada to withdraw recycling exemption for toxic flame retardants under the Stockholm Convention

HEJSupport directors participate in the Open Ended Working Group of SAICM, which is taking place from April 2-4 in Montevideo, Uruguay. The meeting discusses a future framwork for international chemical management.

HEJSupport participated in the meeting with Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), Health Canada (HC) and Canadian environmental and health NGOs to discuss elements proposed for enhanced NGO engagement.

HEJSupport published a new fact sheet based on the findings of a small survey among women in Canada. We asked them about their purchase patters when buying feminine hygiene products.

HEjSupport is proud that its co-directors are among the women to be featured in the IPEN film honoring women working for a toxic free future.

Deutsche NGOs fordern in einer Stellungnahme an den Umweltausschuss des Bundestages einen nationalen Aktionsplan zum Schutz vor EDCs.

This International Women’s Day HEJSupport calls on people around the world to show support and commitment to the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 5 (SDG5) to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

HEJSupport, the Toronto Environmental Alliance, Canadian Environmental Law Association and Citizens’ Network on Waste Management submitted joint comments to new regulations to safely manage WEEE and batteries

A European non-toxic environment strategy is urgently needed to dramatically reduce Europeans’ exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals.

HEJSupport is among Canadian and international NGOs which request Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to resolve the problem of illegal waste dumping in the Philippines

27 national, European and international NGOs urge EU member states to take responsible decisions at the next REACH Committee Meeting that will take place on the 14 and 15 of February 2019.

The story behind the interview: The 103 shipping containers of mixed garbage from Canada, wrongly declared as scrap plastics for recycling, were exported and dumped in the Philippines five years ago.

HEJSupport raised the problems of dirty plastic recycling, plastic chemicals in hygiene products, and the impact of single use plastic.

HEJSupport hat im letzten Rundbrief des Forums Umwelt und Entwicklung einen Artikel zum Thema Textilien und Flüsse veröffentlicht. Die globale Tex- tilindustrie ist eine der größten VerschmutzerInnen von Flüssen weltweit.

November 28, 2018 – A national Strategy on Zero Plastic Waste was presented jointly by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and Health Canada (HC) at a multistakeholder workshop on Canadian chemicals management plan in Ottawa. The vision of the Strategy is to keep all plastics in the economy.

In a move that is long overdue, the EU Commission published today the EU Communication on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). However it lacks specific measures and timelines on how people and the environment can be better protected from these harmful chemicals.

HEJSupport joins the Citizens for Science in Pesticide Regulation. More than 100 NGOs and experts published a manifesto demanding a better pesticides regulation.

Dozens sometimes even hundreds of chemicals can hide in beauty and personal care products that contain fragrance. HEJSuport joins Breast Cancer Prevention Partners and many more environmental and health organizations worldwide and calls for full fragrance ingredient disclosure so consumers can make safer, more informed purchases.