Olga Speranskaya, HEJSupport Co-Director, and Fé de Leon , CELA Researcher and Paralegal write to the Plastics and Waste Management Directorate of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Canada to support strong measures on plastic waste management and outline actions needed to address plastic waste in Canada.

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While toxic chemicals may negatively affect the health of all people, certain populations are particularly vulnerable to the potentially adverse impacts resulting from unregulated chemicals. These include groups such as undocumented workers, who may be disproportionately exposed to these unsafe substances, and women, who tend to be more vulnerable to biological disruption.

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HEJSupport cooperates with the Center for Environmental Solutions (CES) in Belarus to support the development of a stronger, more pluralistic and independent media in Belarus, by building a long-term strategic partnership between NGOs and journalists in Belarus and Germany and by building the capacity of journalists and bloggers in Belarus and Russian speaking countries.

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Ein neuer Bericht „Superbugs in der Lieferkette: Wie die Umweltverschmutzung durch Antibiotika-Fabriken in Indien und China die weltweite Zunahme von Arzneimittelresistenz-Infektionen fördert“ von Changing Markets zeigt die ungeheuerliche Verbindung von Pharmaunternehmen, die durch die Herstellung von Antibiotika wiederum Antibiotikaresistenzen verursachen, mit deutschen Unternehmen und Krankenkassen. Bericht auf Tagesschau.de Bericht der Süddeutschen Zeitung Bericht Bayerischer Rundfunk […]

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