Zusammen mit, und als Mitglied von, dem NGO Bündnis Exit Plastik hat HEJSupport des Kapitel zu Textilien und Bekleidung im Entwurf der Nationalen Kreislaufwirtschaft Strategie
Category: Blog

Die EU könnte eine der gößten planetaren Krisen nicht in ihrem nächsten Arbeitsprogramm berücksichtigen.

Neun NGOs unterstützen das PFAS Beschränkungsverfahren

Das Textilbündnis hat 2022/2023 eine neue Struktur angenommen und seine Berichtsformate überarbeitet. Mit dem deutschen Lieferkettengesetz und den laufenden Prozessen für ein EU-Lieferkettengesetz veränderten sich

A group of German NGOs, including HEJSupport, state seven recommendations for a successful German national Circular Economy Strategy.

NGOs fordern: Der Vorschlag zur PFAS Regulierung darf im Bundesrat nicht aufgeweicht werden.

NGOs sent a letter to the EU Commission president Ursula von der Leyen to urge her to participate in the PFAS testing activities of a group of NGOs.

Jetzt anmelden zu den Chemiepolitischen Mittagstalks

Eine Gruppe von NGOs, darunter HEJSupport, ist sehr besorgt über die Verzögerung der REACH Revision. Die EU Kommission hat die Revision der wichtigen Chemikalienverordnung in

Decisions made by the Parties to the BRS Conventions will influence sound chemicals and waste management worldwide.

Canada should be a leader in the global effort to address plastic pollution and immediately begin collecting and publicly releasing annual Canada-wide data on production, import, export, sale, reuse, recycling and disposal of plastic by type and use.

Have a look at our submissions and recommendations on draft resolutions in the chemicals and waste cluster.

Most Canadians have no idea they probably have PFAS chemicals (Per- and Polyfluoroalkly Substances) in their bodies, nor understand how they got exposed.

The UN Human Rights Council passed the resolution that recognizes human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.

The report by the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and toxics highlights the human rights implications of toxic additives in plastics and the life cycle stages of plastic, including the rights of women, children, workers, and indigenous peoples.

Policy measures and regulations are needed to give consumers access to reliable information that encourages them to keep products for longer.

Toxic chemicals in toys can be released into the environment causing pollution and affecting health. Read more about challenges in disclosing chemicals of concern in toys and ways to improve transparency and regulations to ensure toys are safe for children and the environment.

#WeChooseReuse – Einwegplastik durch Mehrwegsysteme ersetzen und diese Petition zeichnen.

The new rules are light on measures to reduce plastics that end up in landfills, incinerators and the natural environment.

NGOs believe strongly that Bill C-28 should advance to the House Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development for consideration this spring.

NGOs support the importance of implementing risk mitigation and management actions aimed at reducing PFAS chemicals in the Great Lakes waters, wildlife, and people.

We urge Canada to join the 138 countries calling for a global agreement on plastic pollution to be established at the UN Environment Assembly in February 2022.

Listing plastic under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) is an important step towards minimizing plastic’s threat and a strong signal to the plastic industry that the government is taking the plastic crisis seriously.

We urge Canada’s Standing Committee to include a focus on the impacts to health and environment associated with toxic chemicals used in the production of plastic and plastic products and those associated with the management of such plastics throughout the lifecycle of plastics.

The negotiations of US-Canada arrangement was not released for public review and therefore substantial matters including the definition of environmentally sound recycling was not reviewed.

Overview of the on-line discussion on the global sound management of chemicals and waste

The stakeholders should use the time between now and the face-to-face meetings to address gaps identified in the Global Chemical Outlook and the UNEP assessment report of Issues of Concern towards achieving the 2020 goal and contribute to the 2030 Agenda.

According to a 2019 study on the use of HHPs in Russia, there is an increasing trend in the use of chemical plant protection products in the country.

In the letter to the Canadian Ministry of Conservation, Environment, and Parks, NGOs note that due to the hazardous nature of the targeted materials and their potential for harm, ensuring effective Regulation for Hazardous and Special Products is critical.

In 2019 and 2020 NGOs from EECCA conducted a detailed study of the use of HHPs in their countries More than 30 HHPs from PAN HHPs list are applied in each EECCA country that participated in the study.

HEJ Support Co-director Olga Speranskaya speaks at webinar on plastic pollution in the Great Lakes.

Since its adoption, SAICM has proved to be an important international framework for promoting and advancing chemical safety objectives. Learn more about its history, governance, and the process towards beyond 2020 chemical and waste strategy

For UNEA5 several NGOs, including HEJSupport, submit a written statement for the Leadership Dialogue.

An efficient e-waste management is based on government commitment; regulatory requirements and enforcement; a social orientation towards separate waste collection; and environment and health protection through safe toxic-free product design and transparency of chemical information.

Every day Canada fails to act, another 7,900 tonnes of plastic waste end up in our landfills and environment.

The High Level Declaration should call on the entire United Nations system to make the Beyond 2020 framework central to their policies and programmes wherever it involves chemicals and waste.

In a joint letter, NGOs demanded an end to the unethical practice of exporting pesticides banned in the EU.

For the intersessional discussions on the future of SAICM, HEJSupport and other NGOs submitted recommendations to the Virtual Working Groups.

With this course we hope to expand the discussion about the future of SAICM beyond 2020 and involve many people and organizations from around the world into the conversation.

HEJSupport cosigned a joint NGO letter to the Environment Ministers of the EU Member States urging them to take a decisive stand against plastic waste –hazardous to human health and the environment.

The NGO discussion paper recommends objectives to be included in the Canadian approach to plastic.

The absence of recognizing the impacts of toxic substances and additives found in recyclables undermines the circular economy framework on the safety of materials to be circulated through the system.

Prime Minister Trudeau, you have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to end plastic pollution in Canada

HEJSupport, with other NGOs, express concern over a bilateral arrangement between Canada and the US regarding plastic waste.

This week, we expect the European Commission to present a truly transformative Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability, driving the detoxification and decarbonisation
of our economies, while creating millions of secure jobs.

NGOs fordern Bundesregierung auf, der Chemiepolitik einen größeren Stellenwert beizumessen und mehr für Schutz von Umwelt und Gesundheit zu tun.

Even small amounts of toxic plastic chemical additives can result in cancers, damage to immune and reproductive systems, impaired intellectual functions, and/or developmental delays.

Olga Speranskaya, HEJSupport Co-Director, and Fé de Leon , CELA Researcher and Paralegal write to the Plastics and Waste Management Directorate of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Canada to support strong measures on plastic waste management and outline actions needed to address plastic waste in Canada.

For decades, consumers have been led to believe that recycling is the solution to all of our waste woes, but the truth is recycling systems were never designed to manage the volume and complexity of materials on the market.

Incineration, energy-from-waste, and other forms of thermal treatment should be not allowed when recycling is possible. Hazardous materials should be banned from disposal in non-hazardous waste landfills.

Compliance to Basel Convention amendments on plastics and “no consensus” under OECD WG key contributing factors

HEJSupport expects the EU Commission to deliver strong activities on the EU`s work on global policy level.

The process of environmental decision-making in the time of COVID-19 pandemic has changed significantly. This impacts the way countries collaborate to address numerous issues including those related to sound chemicals and waste management.

The impacts of PBDEs to health and the environment will continue to be of global concern with several Parties to the Stockholm Convention that have not withdrawn their need for the exemption.

The Norwegian presidency of UNEA5 asked stakeholders to provide input to specified questions on the ministerial declaration of UNEA5. HEJSupport, together with other NGOs, sent a joint submission to highlight a few key topics.

Canada has no longer required the toxic recycling exemption for tetrabromodiphenyl ether, pentabromodiphenyl ether, hexabromodiphenyl ether, and heptabromodiphenyl ether listed in the Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutant.

While toxic chemicals may negatively affect the health of all people, certain populations are particularly vulnerable to the potentially adverse impacts resulting from unregulated chemicals. These include groups such as undocumented workers, who may be disproportionately exposed to these unsafe substances, and women, who tend to be more vulnerable to biological disruption.

Everyone is aware of the negative impact that plastics can have on the environment and health, but few are concerned with the minutiae of the problem.

The UN resolution should be clear about the linkages between chemicals and other clusters, including gender, circular economy, climate, biodiversity. The resolution should also welcome the outcomes of ICCM5, be short, and concrete.

HEJSupport was among 15 NGOs and networks providing feedback on the draft amendment of Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2019/1021 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the listing of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), its salts and PFOA-related compounds.

Environmental groups wrote to incoming Commission president Ursula von der Leyen today, warning that powerful European chemical laws are not being enforced.

UNEP published a new study on illegal trade in chemicals and pesticides. HEJSupport Co-Director Olga Speranskaya was one of the lead authors.

A group of NGOs, including HEJSupport, submitted a proposal to the SAICM Secretariat for the next IP meeting, taking place in October 2019 Bangkok. The NGOs present in their paper a new mechanism of action and criteria for elevation of obligations to progress SAICM Issues of Concerns (IoCs) in the post 2020 multilateral regime for chemicals and waste.

NGOs sent a letter to members of the REACH Committee, prior to its meeting on September 17-18, 2019. Crucial decsions are planned to be taken, that have a wide impact on human health and environment in the EU.

HEJSupport announces a new project on toxic chemicals, health, and plastic pollution. The project entitled “Plastic and Toxic Free Period” is supported by Funding for Social Change Ltd and is part of a broad initiative on plastic and toxic free disposable and reusable menstrual products.

The Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA) and HEJSupport
are pleased to see that the Ontario Government is moving forward quickly on electronic waste and batteries under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act.

27 NGOs express concerns about delay of the outcome of the EU chemicals policy fitness check.

On June 10, HEJSupport and Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) met with representatives of Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) to discuss important issues on measures to address toxic chemicals in plastic waste and recycled consumer products.

Mehr als 100 Nichtregierungsorganisationen, darunter HEJSupport, fordern von Gesundheitsminister Spahn einem generellen Verbot von Amalgamfüllungen zuzustimmen.

HEJSupport and Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) have appealed to Environment and Climate Change Canada with a call to withdraw Canada’s recycling exemptions for some flame retardants.

HEJSupport, Arnika, IPEN, EEB, HEAL, CIEL, WECF, Ecologistas en Action wrote a letter to Mr. Juergen Helbig, the European Commission with the request to withdraw EU’s recycling exemptions under the Stockholm Convention for materials such as plastics and foam containing the persistent organic pollutants used as flame retardant chemicals.

HEJSupport joined the Canadian Environmental Law Association, Toronto Environmental Alliance, Citizens’ Network on Waste Management, Citizens Environment Alliance, Grand River Environmental Network, and Environment Hamilton in objecting “thermal treatment” as the primary means to reduce waste volumes going to landfill.

Canadian consumers should be able to purchase products made of recycled materials without having to worry that they contain substances that are globally banned.

HEJSupport, IPEN, CELA, Arnika urge immediate action by Canada to withdraw recycling exemption for toxic flame retardants under the Stockholm Convention

HEJSupport participated in the meeting with Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), Health Canada (HC) and Canadian environmental and health NGOs to discuss elements proposed for enhanced NGO engagement.

HEJSupport, the Toronto Environmental Alliance, Canadian Environmental Law Association and Citizens’ Network on Waste Management submitted joint comments to new regulations to safely manage WEEE and batteries

HEJSupport is among Canadian and international NGOs which request Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to resolve the problem of illegal waste dumping in the Philippines

The story behind the interview: The 103 shipping containers of mixed garbage from Canada, wrongly declared as scrap plastics for recycling, were exported and dumped in the Philippines five years ago.

HEJSupport raised the problems of dirty plastic recycling, plastic chemicals in hygiene products, and the impact of single use plastic.

NGOs urge the Canadian government to improve on sound e-waste management by ratifing the Basel amendment and support the Norwegian proposal on plastic waste.

In a joint letter NGOs urge Canada to advance its work on plastic pollution by supporting Norway’s proposal.

November 28, 2018 – A national Strategy on Zero Plastic Waste was presented jointly by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and Health Canada (HC) at a multistakeholder workshop on Canadian chemicals management plan in Ottawa. The vision of the Strategy is to keep all plastics in the economy.

HEJSupport and 21 other NGOs sent a letter to members of the European Parliament to urge them to uphold the EU`s international obligations on POPs under the Stockholm Convention. The EU should not undermine the objectives of the Convention, protection of human health and environment, by allowing POPs in e.g. consumer articles.

HEJSupport joins the Citizens for Science in Pesticide Regulation. More than 100 NGOs and experts published a manifesto demanding a better pesticides regulation.

HEJSupport is happy to share the link to the article published on the UN Environment website during the International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week. The article is an interview with Olga Speranskaya, HEISupport Co-director that was prepared by the UNEP Europe Office and launched on the 27th of October.

HEJSupport cooperates with the Center for Environmental Solutions (CES) in Belarus to support the development of a stronger, more pluralistic and independent media in Belarus, by building a long-term strategic partnership between NGOs and journalists in Belarus and Germany and by building the capacity of journalists and bloggers in Belarus and Russian speaking countries.

Squirrels can be seriously impacted by pesticides even though they are not the target. Last year a number of cases of abnormal behavior of squirrels, such as falling over and walking in circles were noticed soon after pesticide application on private lawns.

At CRC14 of the Rotterdam Convention decided that methyl-parathion had not met all of the criteria for listing. Finally the Committee decided that no further action on methyl parathion would be taken at this time.

HEJSupport International Co-Director Olga Speranskaya and our Board member Yuyun Ismawati published an article in the United Nations Environment Programme publication “Our Planet”
Toxic chemicals threaten current and future generations. To protect them, we must change course by shifting our chemical practices to a more sustainable model.

At the recent 3rd meeting of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA3) HEJSupport International participated in a silent action organized by the Women’s Major Group

This year the third UN Environmental Assembly (UNEA 3) took place in Nairobi from 4 to 6 December. Its main theme was health and pollution.
By Olga Speranskaya, PhD, Toxic chemicals specialist Rising water levels of the Ottawa River and heavy rains affected thousands of homes in Quebec. Many of

HEJSupport co-signed a joint letter to the delegates of the EU Parties to the Stockholm Convention. The Conference of the Parties will meet end of
Ein neuer Bericht „Superbugs in der Lieferkette: Wie die Umweltverschmutzung durch Antibiotika-Fabriken in Indien und China die weltweite Zunahme von Arzneimittelresistenz-Infektionen fördert“ von Changing Markets zeigt die ungeheuerliche Verbindung von Pharmaunternehmen, die durch die Herstellung von Antibiotika wiederum Antibiotikaresistenzen verursachen, mit deutschen Unternehmen und Krankenkassen. Bericht auf Tagesschau.de Bericht der Süddeutschen Zeitung Bericht Bayerischer Rundfunk […]