Invitation to the hybrid Side Event “Addressing Environmental and Labor Rights Risks: Engaging Stakeholders through Rightsholder-Based Monitoring for Effective Due Diligence” at Forum on Due
Tag: textiles

Development and environmental NGOs have launched a public portal highlighting risks in the global supply chain. of clothing, textiles and footwear: Human rights are

Das Textilbündnis hat 2022/2023 eine neue Struktur angenommen und seine Berichtsformate überarbeitet. Mit dem deutschen Lieferkettengesetz und den laufenden Prozessen für ein EU-Lieferkettengesetz veränderten sich

How do toxins affect our lives, and what can we do about it? Listen to our new podcast on chemicals in textiles.

The Campaign #Wardrobe Change, where HEJSupport is a member, launched its position paper

The EU Commission released a public consultation of new strategy on sustainable textiles. HEJSupport submitted comments.

Microplastics account for approximately 40% of all plastic that ends up in the ocean.

All clothing production adversely affects the environment in some way, but there are brands working to make the transition to sustainable fashion.

We are happy to present the new film from our HEJYouth Group! It gives you 5 Tipps to sustainably transform your wardrobe.

The textile and fashion industries are among the largest and the most polluting industries in the world. They must explore strategies geared towards improving sustainability in order to minimise resource use, pollution and waste.

Webinar Summary “Sustainable Fashion? How companies provide sustainability information to consumers”
Want to know more about how companies provide sustainability information to consumers? Listen to our webinar recording.

Is the sustainability information provided by fashion brands sufficient? Learn more about a way forward which makes consumers a driving force able to shape the future of sustainable textiles.

Read our new article about sustainable textiles and the demand of consumers. The textiles industry is one of the largest industries in the world. Its supply-chain includes agriculture, manufacturing, processing, fabric care, use, recycling and disposal. Nearly all countries are involved in the textile industry though the actual involvement can vary from textile and product design and development of manufacturing technologies, to actual production and shipping to numerous locations. However all countries face the growing problem of textile waste management directly linked to unsustainable textile production and use.

HEJSupport hat im letzten Rundbrief des Forums Umwelt und Entwicklung einen Artikel zum Thema Textilien und Flüsse veröffentlicht. Die globale Tex- tilindustrie ist eine der größten VerschmutzerInnen von Flüssen weltweit.