Tag : plastic
Неправительственные организации региона ВЕКЦА обсудили проблему раскрытия информации о химических веществах в пластике.
Plastic chemicals and the right-to-know principle are the key areas to be addressed for an effective Plastics Treaty
6Apr Featured
A summary of what happened in Nairobi in the plastics negotiations
21Nov Featured
Кратко о том, что произошло в Найроби на переговорах по пластику
Women’s Working Group Statement at INC 3 on Plastic Pollution
17Nov Featured
Стойкие органические загрязнители: проблемы обращения, инвентаризации и утилизации
Итоги второго раунда переговоров по решению проблем пластикового загрязнения
Results of the second round of negotiations to address the problems of plastic pollution
4Jun Featured
Globally harmonized requirements for transparency and traceability of chemical information in plastic materials and products in the Plastic Treaty
30May Chemicals in Products
The second round of Plastic Treaty negotiations started with an NGO protest
30May Featured
Возможные варианты для элементов международного юридически обязывающего инструмента о пластиковом загрязнении
Exit Plastik Event: Plastic in the German Circular Economy Strategy
9Mar Featured
Expand the Single-Use Plastics Ban
16Feb Featured
Transparency of chemical information in materials and products is a foundation stone for a well-functioning plastic treaty
1Feb Featured
Основные моменты переговоров по пластику и возможные решения
Highlights of the first plastic treaty negotiations and possible solutions
6Dec Featured
Canada’s voice: towards an ambitious new legally binding global agreement on plastic pollution
31Oct Chemicals in Products
Глобальное соглашение о пластмассах: требование прозрачности информации о химических компонентах пластика должно стать обязательным
NGOs call on Canada to support binding transparency requirements for chemicals in plastics at the national level and globally
27Oct Featured
Chemical transparency is an essential tool to increase the effectiveness of the Basel Convention
12Jun Chemicals in Products
Global minimum transparency standard (GMTS) for hazardous chemicals in products – A tool for the protection of human health and the environment from toxic exposure
12Jun Chemicals in Products
NGO demand EU Member States to vote on toxic chemicals with a conscience
6Dec Featured
Sign on: Call for a Global Treaty on Plastic
30Oct Featured
15Jun Blog
Conference on Plastic Pollution in the Great Lakes
19Mar Blog
Civil society calls upon the Commission to uphold ambition on SUP Directive
2Mar Plastics
Products in our home: a hidden health threat
2Mar Chemicals in Products
NGO Submission to the UNEA Leadership Dialogue
19Feb Blog
Why does the issue of e-waste continue to be a global challenge despite international efforts to address it?
18Feb Blog
NGOs call on EU Environmental Ministers to Stop the Plastic Flood
16Dec Blog
NGOs call on Canada to eliminate all non-essential plastic products and materials
10Dec Blog
Offener Brief fordert von Umweltministerin Schulze entschiedenes Handeln gegen Plastikmüll während der EU-Ratspräsidentschaft
20Nov Plastics
No Small Issue: The Problem with Microplastics in Fashion
27Aug Featured
EU Promotes Greater Global Responsibility on Plastic Waste — But Not for Internal Market!
7Jul Featured
To Clean Up Canada’s Recycling Act, End a Zombie Chemical Policy
5Mar Chemicals in Products
Webinar “Plastic- and Toxic-free Menstruation Products”
6Dec Chemicals in Products
Plastic and Toxic Free Period Project
9Sep Blog
Launch www.ptfperiod.info
9Sep Featured
HEJSupport at North American consultation on “Innovations for Addressing the Single-Use Plastics Challenge”
7Feb Blog
Sound e-waste management in Canada: is there a room for improvement?
15Dec Blog
Three EECCA countries are taking steps forward to ban plastic products
4Oct Chemicals in Products