The Center for Sustainable Development Assistance (CSD Center)

Vera Mustafina (Executive Director, Expert), Assem Bodauova (Department Director), Yuliya Lobuncova (Department Director), Zhanybek Mukhanov (Specialist), Assel Mukhamedzhan (PR Specialist)
– Meet the Team –
CSD Center
The Center for Sustainable Development Assistance (CSD Center) is an independent non-profit organization with the mission to provide assistance and support to activities aimed at the transition to sustainable development. It was registered in 2008 in Kazakhstan and works in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia. The CSD Centre aims to protect the environment and support sustainable development by implementing projects in partnership with international and national organizations, governmental bodies, industry and other stakeholders. In addition, the CSD Centre participates in environmental policy development, including legislative development and monitoring of projects and program implementation.
Tel: +7 771 553 3004
Instagram: @csd_org
About the Project
The project Addressing the escalating plastic crisis in five countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA)” implementation started in May 2024 under the coordination of HEJSupport international organisation. The work involves a comprehensive approach to addressing plastic pollution and promoting sustainable alternatives in five countries of the region, including Uzbekistan.
The first major task is the development of National Registers of Primary Sources of Plastic Pollution. This involves creating a detailed action plan with stages, deadlines, and task responsibilities. A national consultant will be hired in Uzbekistan to oversee this development. A survey form will be created to collect plastic waste data from authorized bodies, which will then be analyzed to prepare recommendations for the private sector and civil society. Based on the collected information, a national registry will be developed.
The next focus is the Assessment of Sustainable Alternatives to Single-Use Plastics. This includes conducting a thorough study on the use of single-use plastics in Uzbekistan and preparing a detailed report on sustainable alternatives. Recommendations will be developed to reduce single-use plastics and introduce more sustainable options.
Addressing the issue of toxic additives in plastics, the project will conduct studies and interviews with plastic producers and processors in Uzbekistan. The data collected from these interactions will be used to prepare an information document, supported by a survey form and a database for interview analysis.
Information dissemination is a crucial part of the project. This involves preparing five fact sheets on topics such as plastic packaging, single-use plastics, toxic additives, and safer alternatives. Additionally, an online course focusing on plastic waste prevention and reduction will be developed. These materials will be distributed through various channels, including social media and stakeholder networks, to maximize their reach and impact.
Capacity building and awareness-raising activities are also key components. Webinars and meetings will be conducted for NGOs, consumer groups, recyclers, government officials, and media representatives. Furthermore, press conferences and social media outreach will be organized to raise awareness. A joint statement with recommendations for policymakers, consumers, and the industry will also be prepared.
Finally, the national and global dissemination of results will ensure the project’s impact is felt beyond local borders. This includes producing a slide show summarizing the project implementation and key findings, completing a project evaluation form, and developing project factsheets and other materials in Russian and English for regional and global dissemination. These efforts will help share the strategies and recommendations developed, encouraging wider adoption and action.

The original version is available in Russian on the page for Russian language.Download
Inventory of plastic pollution sources in Uzbekistan
The report is prepared by the CSD Centre
The Recommendations are prepared by the CSD Centre
Video Gallery
Video materials of ground work in Uzbekistan
Sanda Engineering Co Ltd is part of Sanfa group and is engaged in production of geosynthetic materials in Tashkent region. The product range includes various geosynthetic materials designed to address engineering and environmental issues.
Interview with Alexei Svetlitsky, civil society representative. During the interview, the following problematic aspects of implementing alternatives to single-use plastic were identified: 1) An unprepared society that is uninformed and has a low level of interest in using reusable alternatives. 2) In the café chains “Sofia”, “Oktepa Lavash”, and “Milliy Taomlari”, visitors can bring their own cups for drinks; however, this practice is not particularly welcomed by the staff, as it may compromise the safety and quality of the final product, and the container may not be compatible with the equipment used for filling the finished product. 3) While paper bags are the most popular, they are not available in all stores. Typically, convenience stores exclusively use plastic bags, which are not recyclable.
Meeting with the head of the NGO “EcoMaktab”: during the meeting, they discussed the unfortunate experience of implementing separate waste collection in villages, as residents are completely unwilling to engage in addressing the issues of plastic pollution. Meeting their basic needs is a priority, while environmental concerns are viewed as distant from their reality. Furthermore, informal workers disrupt the waste collection and sorting process by taking only plastic bottles, leaving the rest of the plastic waste scattered, which exacerbates pollution. The use of alternatives to plastic also raises numerous questions, as the population will only consider using such products if they are provided at no cost.
Interview with media representative Alyona Perepad, editor of the radio channel Uzbekistan.24. Alyona is an active supporter of a conscious lifestyle but faces challenges such as the lack of eco-shops where reusable metal or glass water bottles are accessible. Alyona and her colleagues are concerned that manufacturers do not provide sufficient information on the packaging of plastic products, including toxicity and recyclability. Despite bans on the use of plastic bags in tourist areas, during the spring and fall, the mountains near Tashkent—popular recreation spots for locals—become littered with bags, plastic bottles, and other plastic waste. Alyona believes that it is essential not only to discuss alternatives to plastic but also to impose a widespread ban on its usage. Eco-activists in Uzbekistan are raising awareness and holding events, but this is only a small step. Many takeaway restaurants do not inquire about how much or whether they should include disposable utensils, napkins, and other unnecessary items in food bags for their customers.
Photo Gallery
Public engagement in various communities in Uzbekistan

Встреча с руководителем ННО «Agroinnovatsiya» в г. Ташкент. Проведение интервью о токсичных добавках в пластике и использования безопасных альтернатив.

Встреча с директором компании «Pet Recycling Group» в г. Ташкент. Проведение интервью о токсичных добавках в пластике и перспективах сокращения использования пластика.

Встреча с Нигорой Дехкановой,главным специалистом Агентства статистики при Президенте Республики Узбекистан. Обсуждение проводимой инвентаризации пластика и получение необходимой статистической информации |

Встреча с директором компании «Toshkent Plast Polimer». Проведение интервью о токсичных добавках в пластике и перспективах сокращения использования пластика

Встреча с директором компании «АвиаБлок» по переработке полиэтилена. Проведение интервью о токсичных добавках в пластике и перспективах сокращения использования пластика
Встреча с Focal Point Базельской конвенции в Узбекистане, Тимурланом Айтмуратовым. Обсуждение государственной политики в области управления пластиком

Встреча с руководителем ННО «Индиго». Проведение интервью о токсичных добавках в пластике и использовании безопасных альтернатив

Встреча с директором компании ООО «Texno-Soft» по переработке пластика. Проведение интервью о токсичных добавках в пластике и перспективах сокращения использования пластика

Заполнение анкеты директором ООО «УзБИОГАЗ» Темировым Алижон на тему сокращения использования пластика

Заполнение анкеты заведующим лабораторией Научно-исследовательского института экологии и охраны окружающей среды Мадримовым Ражаббой на тему альтернативы одноразовому пластику и сокращению использования пластика

Заполнение анкеты по вопросам использования пластика руководителем Центра ННО «Прометей» Халиковой Суйдинисо

Посещение предприятия «Toshkent Plast Polimer» по переработке и производству готовых изделий из пластика, г. Ташкент

Посещение предприятия ООО «Vodiy maxsus sanitar trans» (Ферганская область) по сбору отходов ТБО, в том числе пластика |
Посещение предприятия ООО «Мустанаб Хилол» (Республика Каракалпакстан) по переработке некоторых видов пластика |
Посещение одного из заводов группы компании «Sanfa» в г. Ташкент по производству готовой продукции из переработанного пластика (синтепон, холофайбер, основа линолеумов и пр.) |