
Ruzgar Project team (from left): Mehman Nabiyev ( EIA ), Eldar Gurbanov (Environmental Monitoring), Muslim Gurbanov ( RRR-Strategy), Xanım Mikayilova (Financial Manager), Zara Nabizade (Environmental economist), Islam Mustafayev (Project Manager, Capacity building), Hafiza Imanova (Sociologist), Sakit Huseynov (Ecologist), Rena Khankişiyeva (Public awareness), Amina Mikayilova (Inventory Expert), Narmin Guliyeva (Journalist)
Meet the TEAM
Ecological Society “Ruzgar”
“Ruzgar” Ecological Society is a non-governmental, non-political, and non-profit organization comprised of citizens from Azerbaijan. Established in April 1996 by a group of scientists, engineers, doctors, sociologists, lawyers, economists, and journalists from various fields related to environmental protection, “Ruzgar” was officially registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Azerbaijan Republic on May 23, 1996. The main objectives of the society are to monitor the ecological situation, organize civic activities to protect and enhance the environment, and provide ecological education to the public.
124/128 Gara Garaev ave
AZ1119 Baku-Azerbaijan
Tel: 99412-5393391
Fax: 99412-539 41 13
Mob: +994518321416, +994503207816
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About the Project
In Azerbaijan, the project “Addressing the Escalating Plastic Crisis in the Five Countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia (EECCA)” began in May 2024 under HEJSupport coordination. This initiative aims to address plastic pollution in Azerbaijan by reducing and preventing single-use plastic waste production, use and disposal. Its goals include raising awareness and empowering stakeholders and the public to develop, evaluate, and implement activities that combat plastic pollution and promote a non-toxic circular economy.
The first phase of the project involves planning and inventorying plastic production and waste generation in Azerbaijan. Ruzgar will identify sources of plastic entering the market, including production and imports of raw materials, packaging, and plastic products. Data will be collected through statistical materials and interviews with stakeholders, such as the Customs Committee, governemntal experts, NGOs and industry.
The project will then determine the per capita generation rate of plastic waste, the share of plastic waste in solid waste, and the total plastic waste in the country. Data sources include utility companies, results from UNDP, EU, and World Bank projects on Municipal Solid Waste Management in Azerbaijan, and interviews with stakeholders. Field trips will be conducted to assess the plastic waste management situation.
Plastic waste management will be analyzed using data from utility companies, a waste separation and waste recycling facility, and a waste incineration plant. Interviews with representatives from Temiz Sheher JSC and the Small and Medium Business Development Agency (COBIA) will provide further insights.
The project will also review legislative acts on waste management related to plastics, including the Law “Industrial and Municipal Waste” 2007, CM Decree No. 74, 2008, the National Strategy of Azerbaijan on improving municipal solid waste management (2018), and the Plan of Measures for 2019-2023 to reduce the environmental impact of plastic packaging waste. An interview with a representative of the Milli Majlis (Parliament) and a member of the Commission on Ecology will inform this analysis.
These studies will result in the preparation of an inventory report, which will provide a foundation for future efforts to address the plastic crisis in Azerbaijan. Project materials will be presented at various events organized under the project, as well as disseminated through the project website and media.

Inventory of plastic pollution sources in Azerbaijan
Material is prepared by Ruzgar Ecological Society
Recommendations based on the study on plastic pollution in Azerbaijan
Material is prepared by Ruzgar Ecological Society
Video Galery
Video materials illustrating project implementation in Azerbaijan
Process of plastic powder production at Sumgayit plastic recycling facility
Plastic recycling facility in Sheki for plastic waste recycling and production of hoses for technical water supply .
Shop for washing of primary incoming plastic waste
Photo Galery
Stakeholder involvement in project implementaiton in Azeerbaijan

Islam Mustafayev (right), Ruzgar Chairman, discusses sertificated analysis of toxic components in plastics with Mr Shahin Hajiyev(right) , Chemlab President, Khirdalan, Azerbaijan

Islam Mustafayev (right), Ruzgar Chairman, discusses Azerbaijan plastic waste management policy with Mr İman Guliyev (middle), Focal point of the Basel Convention, and Mr. Mehman Nabiyev, head of environmental policy section of Plastic Waste Management department, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Baku

Islam Mustafayev (right), Ruzgar Chairman, discusses Azerbaijan policy on single use plastic with Mr. Mehman Nabiyev, head of environmental policy section of Plastic Waste Management department, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and Mr. S.Hasanov, NGO representative

Ruzgar representatives visited Sheki plastic waste recycling facility, plastic waste receiving section

Ruzgar representatives visit Sheki plastic waste recycling facility, department of plastic products

Islam Mustafayev and Alina Mikailova from Ruzgar (right) discussed plastic waste management with workers at the Ismayilli waste management landffill

Islam Mustafayev and Alina Mikailova from Ruzgar (right) visit the waste separation section at Ismailli landfill

Islam Mustafayev from Ruzgar (left) visit to Ismailli landfill and discussed its operation with the managers and workers

Discharge of municipal wastes at JSC Tamiz Shahar (Baku)

Separation of plastic waste at JSC Tamiz Shahar (Baku)

The Ecological Society “Ruzgar” is hosting a meeting with public representatives in the city of Mingechevir to celebrate the International Coastal Cleanup Day.

The Ecological Society “Ruzgar” is participating in a public campaign to clean up the beach in celebration of the International Coastal Cleanup Day.