Global Framework on Chemicals

Women’s Working Group Statement at INC 3 on Plastic Pollution

Women’s Working Group Statement at INC 3 on Plastic Pollution

Toxicity throughout the life cycle of plastics affects our health, leading to infertility and irreversible disorders, particularly in women.

Women Leaders and the Importance of Fostering Women Leadership

Women Leaders and the Importance of Fostering Women Leadership

Women leaders educate families and local communities about toxic chemical health threats, care for children suffering from exposure, and generate data that justify the urgency of addressing the health effects of toxic chemicals.

Women and Chemicals Session at the Tomorrow without Toxics Conference

Women and Chemicals Session at the Tomorrow without Toxics Conference

HEJSupport is happy to announce our Session on Women and Chemicals, wich is jointly organized with WECF, AWHHE and ToxicsLink.


The ‘Global Framework on Chemicals – For a planet free of harm from chemicals and waste’ was established at the fifth International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5) in Bonn, Germany, held on September 25-29, 2023. It provides a detailed plan with five strategic objectives and 28 specific targets to help countries and stakeholders address the full life cycle of chemicals, including their management in products and waste. The Framework is multi-stakeholder and multisectoral, involving relevant parties throughout the chemical life cycle at local, national, regional, and global levels.
