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NGOs are eligible for funding under the Global Framework for Chemicals Fund
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The ‘Global Framework on Chemicals – For a planet free of harm from chemicals and waste’ was established at the fifth International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5) in Bonn, Germany, held on September 25-29, 2023. It provides a detailed plan with five strategic objectives and 28 specific targets to help countries and stakeholders address the full life cycle of chemicals, including their management in products and waste. The Framework is multi-stakeholder and multisectoral, involving relevant parties throughout the chemical life cycle at local, national, regional, and global levels.
- Global Framework on Chemicals: assessment and clarification of indicators with the focus on targets for information generation for chemicalsSuggested new indicators for targets B2 and B3 will help identify success and failure in achieving the objectives of information sharing about chemicals in materials and products.
- Mehr als erwartet, weniger als notwendig – Globale Vereinbarung liefert keinen ausreichenden Schutz vor ChemikalienGemeinsame Pressemitteilung vom Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland, European Network for Environmental Medicine, Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung, Health and Environment Justice Support, Pestizid Aktions-Netzwerk Deutschland und Women Engage for a Common Future
- Основные решения пятой сессии Международной конференции по регулированию химических веществДелегаты пятой Международной конференции по регулированию химических веществ приняли Глобальную рамочную программу по химическим веществам
- Critical decisions made at the fifth session of the International Conference on Chemicals ManagementAt the 5th International Conference on Chemicals Management, delegates adopted a Global Framework on Chemicals (GFC)
- Comments on the zero draft High-Level Declaration from A Group of NGOsHuman health, human rights and environmental protection should form the foundational principles of all commitments highlighted in the High-Level Declaration of ICCM5.
- Встреча НПО ВЕКЦА для обсуждения перспектив нового международного инструмента по химическим веществам и отходам15 сентября 2023 года для НПО региона ВЕКЦА состоялось он-лайн
- Comments on the Non-paper on Strategic Objectives and Targets for the fourth meeting of the intersessional process of the beyond 2020 instrument on chemicals and wasteA Group of NGOs prepared comments on the Non-paper on Strategic Objectives and Targets.
- Assessment of Effectiveness of Issue of Concern Implementation to Continue Work on a Particular IssueIoCs are recognized of and of cross-cutting importance to the chemicals and waste work and Agenda 2030. As such, they should not be airily sunsetted without a thorough evaluation also of their universal values.
- Information paper on Global Cross-sectoral Transparency System for ICCM5This information document presents the case for how a harmonized “Global Cross-sectoral Transparency System” (GCTS) that could easily be constructed based on already existing elements and suggestions in the SAICM Chemicals in Products Programme.
- Submission to UNEP Consultation on Issues of ConcernUNEP consultation on Issues of Concern was conducted to gather information from stakeholders about the next steps that should be taken on 19 issues of concern.
- NGOs erwarten ambitionierte Maßnahmen vom Berlin Forum für Chemikalien und NachhaltigkeitGemeinsame Pressemitteilung vom Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland, dem European Network for Environmental Medicine, Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung, Health Environment Justice Support, Pestizid Aktions-Netzwerk Deutschland und Women Engage for a Common Future
- Save the date: Civil Society Conference in Preparation for ICCM5Save the Date – 22nd of September 2023
- NGO Input to a Possible High-Level Declaration of the Fifth International Conference on Chemicals ManagementManagement of chemicals and waste is a cross-cutting issue. It should be viewed as key for solving several elements of the planetary crisis and other global emergencies, such as health, food and energy security.
- Towards SAICM IP4.2 discussionOn November 1, the SAICM IP4 Co-chairs hold a consultation meeting with stakeholder representatives to further develop the IP Co-Chairs single consolidated document and discuss other key issues to be considered in advance of the resumed IP4.2.
- A new Science Policy Panel for chemicals and wasteGovernments and stakeholder met to establish a SPP for chemicals and waste. Read our statement on behalf of the WMG.
- The way toward a global solution to the identification of EDCsHEJSupport new publication “EDCs in GHS: toward a global solution to the identification of EDCs” highlights the importance of developing the EDC criteria for GHS and elaborates on the ideas of moving forward.
- Key outcomes of SAICM IP4 meetingRead about what happened at IP4.
- HEJSupport at SAICM IP4 MeetingHEJSupport participates at the SAICM IP4 meeting. See some updates here.
- Results and analysis of SAICM VWGsTo inform country delegates and the NGO community about SAICM developments, HEJSupport, SSNC, groundWork South Africa, and EEB held a webinar on the virtual working group outcomes
- Lead Paint Law Development and Implementation in the Central and Eastern European RegionMarket control of all paints sold at the national level should be conducted on a regular basis to ensure compliance with the existing national regulations or to empower the development/revision of the regulations;
- Webinar: Want to know more about SAICM Beyond 2020 and NGO positions?Join our joint webinar, organized by HEJSupport, SSNC, groundWork, and EEB on Monday, 27th of June Presenters: HEJSupport and CIEL
- New report summarizes the results of SAICM Virtual Working GroupsHEJSupport publishes a report summarizing the results of the SAICM Virtual Working Groups (VWGs) and presents recommendations.
- Global Minimum Transparency Standard (GMTS) for hazardous chemicals in products – a tool for the protection of human health and the environmentGMTS is a keystone tool for achieving sustainable natural resource management and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
- The MGS Joint Global Statement for UNEA5.2UN Major Groups and Stakeholders adopted a Joint Global Statement and provided recommendations to UN draft resolutions under four clusters.
- Chemicals and waste issues at UNEA 5.2Have a look at our submissions and recommendations on draft resolutions in the chemicals and waste cluster.
- NGO comments to the Proposal for a draft resolution to establish a Science-Policy Panel to support action on chemicals, waste and pollutionNGOs call for the Science-Policy Platform to be free from political, commercial, or economic interests.
- The PFAS problem, the ‘Forever Chemicals’, is not on the public radar in Canada. But it should be.Most Canadians have no idea they probably have PFAS chemicals (Per- and Polyfluoroalkly Substances) in their bodies, nor understand how they got exposed.
- Session on Global Minimum Transparency Standard at “Tomorrow without Toxics” ConferenceHEJSupport jointly with SSNC and groundWork, is hosting a Session on the Global Minimum Transparency Standard (GMTS) at the “Tomorrow without Toxics” Conference. Please, join us on November 23 as 12 p.m. CET.
- NGOs urge Canada to complete the assessment of PFAS in one yearIt is not sufficient to simply focus on data collection by expanding the monitoring of PFAS in the environment – the efforts on PFAS must include a roadmap to move to informed substitution and innovation with safer products and chemicals.
- Environmental groups calling on Big Plastic to drop its lawsuit against Canadian government this Plastic-Free JulyEnvironmental groups are urging the government of Canada to defend listing #plastic as toxic and move ahead to implement the promised regulations.
- BERLIN FORUM ON CHEMICALS AND SUSTAINABILITY: KEY NOTESAddressing chemical and waste pollution and human exposure is as important as combating the climate crisis and the loss of biodiversity.
- Chemicals in Products Community of Practice 2021: discussion on chemicals in toysToxic chemicals in toys can be released into the environment causing pollution and affecting health. Read more about challenges in disclosing chemicals of concern in toys and ways to improve transparency and regulations to ensure toys are safe for children and the environment.
- NGO Comments on the draft of Canada’s Great Lakes Strategy for PFOS, PFOA and LC-PFCAs Risk ManagementNGOs support the importance of implementing risk mitigation and management actions aimed at reducing PFAS chemicals in the Great Lakes waters, wildlife, and people.
- Global sound management of chemicals and waste: outcomes of the virtual group discussion and way forwardOverview of the on-line discussion on the global sound management of chemicals and waste
- NGO response to the Recommendations for continuing SAICM and a preparatory process for the postponed IP4 and ICCM5The stakeholders should use the time between now and the face-to-face meetings to address gaps identified in the Global Chemical Outlook and the UNEP assessment report of Issues of Concern towards achieving the 2020 goal and contribute to the 2030 Agenda.
- Loopholes in state control over safe handling of pesticides and agrochemicals in RussiaAccording to a 2019 study on the use of HHPs in Russia, there is an increasing trend in the use of chemical plant protection products in the country.
- Highly Hazardous Pesticides in EECCA countries and agroecologyIn 2019 and 2020 NGOs from EECCA conducted a detailed study of the use of HHPs in their countries More than 30 HHPs from PAN HHPs list are applied in each EECCA country that participated in the study.
- On-Line courses on SAICM in RussianSince its adoption, SAICM has proved to be an important international framework for promoting and advancing chemical safety objectives. Learn more about its history, governance, and the process towards beyond 2020 chemical and waste strategy
- NGO Submissions on the draft High Level DeclarationThe High Level Declaration should call on the entire United Nations system to make the Beyond 2020 framework central to their policies and programmes wherever it involves chemicals and waste.
- NGO submissions to SAICM Virtual Working GroupsFor the intersessional discussions on the future of SAICM, HEJSupport and other NGOs submitted recommendations to the Virtual Working Groups.
- New on-line course on SAICM Issues of ConcernWith this course we hope to expand the discussion about the future of SAICM beyond 2020 and involve many people and organizations from around the world into the conversation.
- Discussion on key points of SAICM and the sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020Watch the recording of our online discussion.
- NGOs suggest elements for a High Level Declaration on international chemicals and waste policyWhat a High Level Declaration should contain? Find out what a group of NGOs suggests.
- EU Commission releases Chemicals Strategy for SustainabilityHere is what we think about the international aspects in the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability.
- HEJSupport priorities for the EU Chemical Strategy for SustainabilityHEJSupport expects the EU Commission to deliver strong activities on the EU`s work on global policy level.
- Options to continue the negotiations on the Strategic Approach and sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020The process of environmental decision-making in the time of COVID-19 pandemic has changed significantly. This impacts the way countries collaborate to address numerous issues including those related to sound chemicals and waste management.
- NGO submission to UNEA5 presidencyThe Norwegian presidency of UNEA5 asked stakeholders to provide input to specified questions on the ministerial declaration of UNEA5. HEJSupport, together with other NGOs, sent a joint submission to highlight a few key topics.
- Even chemicals subject to extensive regulations can become dangerous if obtained through illegal distributionWhile toxic chemicals may negatively affect the health of all people, certain populations are particularly vulnerable to the potentially adverse impacts resulting from unregulated chemicals. These include groups such as undocumented workers, who may be disproportionately exposed to these unsafe substances, and women, who tend to be more vulnerable to biological disruption.
- Webinar Summary “Public engagement in the development of the global chemicals and waste platform beyond 2020”You had no time to attend the webinar? No problem, please find all presentation and the recording here.
- Webinar “Public engagement in the development of the global chemicals and waste platform beyond 2020”The Strategic Appraoch on International Chemicals Management (SAICM) is an important UN Framework for the work on chemicals and waste. Its mandate will end by 2020 and currently governments, industry and NGOs are working on a successor framework. Learn more about the latest developments and ideas.
- Stakeholder workshop on strengthening governance for the sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020The UN resolution should be clear about the linkages between chemicals and other clusters, including gender, circular economy, climate, biodiversity. The resolution should also welcome the outcomes of ICCM5, be short, and concrete.
- Publication: Guidance to the Chemicals in Products (CiP) Programme for NGOsHEJSupport International coauthored “The Guidance to the Chemicals in Products Programme for non-governmental organizations”. The Guidance explains the role NGOs should play in the implementation of the Programme which is the only international instrument that provides different options for disclosing information on hazardous chemicals in products.
- All you need to know about SAICM IP3 meetingRead the HEJSupport summary report of the meeting in Bangkok to learn about what happened at IP3 and where we are in the development of a new international framework on chemicals and health.
- Event: How to progress SAICM Issues of Concern beyond 2020At the SAICM Intersessional Meeting, HEJSupport together with a number of NGOs invited delegates to discuss criteria for Issues of Concern and how to move them forward if they have not achieved their goals.
- Side event at SAICM IP3We are happy to announce our side event on the New Mechanism of Action: How to progress SAICM Issues of Concern beyond 2020. It is taking place Tuesday, October 1 during lunch time (13.15-14.30), conference room MR-C+D.
- SAICM needs a new mechanism for actionA group of NGOs, including HEJSupport, submitted a proposal to the SAICM Secretariat for the next IP meeting, taking place in October 2019 Bangkok. The NGOs present in their paper a new mechanism of action and criteria for elevation of obligations to progress SAICM Issues of Concerns (IoCs) in the post 2020 multilateral regime for chemicals and waste.
- Webinar “SAICM für Einsteiger”Jetzt anmelden! PAN-Webinar “SAICM für Einsteiger”, PAN Germany lädt ein zum Webinar: Ein internationaler Rahmen für eine giftfreie Zukunft – SAICM für Einsteiger, in Kooperation mit HEJSupport und WECF. Es findet statt am 16.09.2019 von 15:00 – 17:00 Uhr.
- NGO Submission to SAICM SecretariatHEJSupport and 10 more NGOs from 6 countries prepared a submission to SAICM Secretariat based on two questions.
- HEJSupport at SAICM OEWG3HEJSupport directors participate in the Open Ended Working Group of SAICM, which is taking place from April 2-4 in Montevideo, Uruguay. The meeting discusses a future framwork for international chemical management.
- HEJSupport stands for all women and girls globally to achieve gender equality, environmental and health justiceThis International Women’s Day HEJSupport calls on people around the world to show support and commitment to the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 5 (SDG5) to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
- Protecting the Health of Women, Children and Future GenerationsHEJSupport Co-Director Olga Speranskaya co-authored an article, in her capacity
- NGOs comment on EU paper on the future of SAICMHEJSupport, EEB and a group of German NGOs (PAN Germany, BUND, WECF, Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung) developed suggestions for the EU member states discussion paper “EU and its Member States input to the draft Outcome document for a Global Strategic Approach for chemicals and waste Beyond 2020“.
- Deutsche NGOs kritisieren Position der Bundesregierung zu SAICMMit diesem gemeinsamen Statement reagieren HEJSupport, WECF, PAN Germany und Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung auf die Position der Bundesregierung „The Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste and the SAICM beyond 2020“ vom 12. Januar 2018.
- HEJSupport International at the 2nd meeting of the Intersessional Process of SAICM (IP2)Governments, NGOs and industry came together in March 2018 in
- Circular economy framework promotes recycling but fails to prevent contaminants in new products: banned toxic chemicals detected in children’s toysHEJSupport International, IPEN and Canadian Environmental Law Association discuss the