Environment committee unanimously supports banning the most harmful chemicals in toys

Environment committee unanimously supports banning the most harmful chemicals in toys

(24 January 2024) The Environment Committee in the EU Parliament voted to strengthen chemical safety in the new Toys Safety Regulation, which could better protect children from harmful chemicals. With 72 votes in favour, none against, and five abstentions, the committee adopted the opinion by Sara Cerdas (S&D), including:

  • a ban on the ‘forever chemicals’ PFAS and bisphenols; and
  • an extension of the fast-track restrictions to other harmful chemicals, such as persistent and mobile, bioaccumulation ones or skin sensitisers, in line with the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability.

The rules should apply to both recycled and virgin materials.

Discussions in the EU Parliament will continue in the Internal Market Committee (IMCO) which is leading on the non-chemical safety aspects of the file, and a plenary vote is expected in March.

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