The EU Commission and EU agencies offer possibilities to engage as citizens and organisations. Here, we are listing various engagement opportunities related to chemical policies. The provided selection of links lead you to ongoing consultations, where you can actively engage and have your say on various policy processes. Usually everyone and every organisation in the EU and from non-EU countries can participate after registration.
ECHA - European Chemicals Agency
ECHA provides the opportunity to submit comments to several consultations. See the current consultations here: https://echa.europa.eu/consultations/current
EU Commission: Have your say
The EU Commission provides under the heading “Have your say” the opportunity participate in consultations.
Current consultations related to chemicals and health are:

Revision of the textile labelling rules
This initiative revises EU textile labelling rules by introducing comprehensive requirements on the physical and digital labelling of textiles and related products.
It addresses shortcomings in the current rules as well as diverging labelling requirements between Member States.
It principle aims are to:
- ensure accurate, intelligible and comparable information to consumers, notably on environmentally relevant aspects
- reduce compliance costs
- ensure regulatory clarity and consistency.
Link to the consultation: https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/have-your-say/initiatives/13872-Textile-labelling-rules-revision-_en
Deadline 15 April 2024
Other important opportunities to engage

Act now to ban PVC
The petition is addressed to the European Commission
This petition is run by EEB, ZWE, RPA, HEAL, CLIENTEARTH, HCWH
Sign here: https://action.wemove.eu/sign/202310-act_now_to_ban_pvc-petition-EN/
The damaging health and environmental impacts posed by PVC call for a complete phase-out of this material. To fulfil the ambitions of the EU Zero-Pollution Plan and non-toxic environment initiatives, we ask the European Commission to swiftly mandate an ambitious restriction on the production, use and placing on the market of PVC and its additives under the REACH regulation. We also call on the European Commission and its member states to demand a global ban of PVC under the new Global Plastics Treaty.
Evidence shows that PVC can be replaced with safer materials for almost all uses.
Only uses of PVC, for which no safer alternatives are available and which are needed to protect our health or safety or are critical for society – or essential uses – should be allowed under strictly controlled conditions.
The European Commission must act now to phase-out PVC by 2030.