About us
The world faces triple crises: climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. Chemicals are directly or indirectly involved in all of them. There are more than 350,000 chemicals on the market. Many have not undergone risk assessment, and their hazard properties are unknown. Vulnerable groups and disadvantaged communities are disproportionally affected by chemical pollution due to the lack of information on chemicals in consumer products, in food or the environment they live or work in. These problems are well recognized by the EU chemical regulations and the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS), which promises to protect EU citizens and the environment better and strengthen cooperation with third countries. The Strategy, among other things, promises to support their capacity for sound chemical management and ensure that chemicals banned in the EU are not produced for export.
However, many national EU governments face difficulties implementing promises identified in the Chemical Strategy. Third-world governments often do not have the technical resources and capacity to understand the EU chemical legislation and benefit from its approaches in developing and strengthening their national regulations. Local EU NGOs and NGOs from other targeted regions need to learn about the EU chemical policy developments and raise their capacity to work with their national governments on implementing CSS and other EU chemical regulations.
HEJSupport new website aims to raise NGOs’ capacity to address the identified challenges. It contains comprehensive but easy-to-understand information about EU chemical policy developments as a one-stop information hub for NGOs inside and outside the EU.
The website is regularly updated and provides opportunities to find answers to the most urgent questions and pressing issues of new environmental initiatives in the EU, prioritizing chemical and waste issues. It helps increase the level of expertise that will assist NGOs to participate and provide better input to the chemical policy developments in their countries.
HEJSupport is a membership-based non-profit organization aiming to achieve a healthy environment and environmental justice for affected people. It provides long-term technical, policy and information support for communities in vulnerable situations affected by chemical contamination and associated environmental degradation. HEJSupport ensures these problems are heard and strives for solutions, working at the policy level to achieve a healthy environment and environmental justice globally, regionally, and nationally.