Chemicals in Products Community of Practice 2021: discussion on chemicals in toys
BlogOn June 17, 2021, HEJSupport, Mankan LLC toy manufacturer in Armenia, Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment (AWHHE), EcoWaste Coalition, and Center for Public Health and Environmental Development (CEPHED) participated as speakers in the discussion on chemicals in toys that was held as part of SAICM/UCT Chemicals in Products Community of Practice (CiP CoP). The discussion was presented by NGOs and private sector representatives.
Children absorb pollutants through the mouth, skin and by breathing them in. Since children have a larger hand-to-mouth activity and faster breathing, they absorb more pollutants than adults compared to their body weight. An important way for toxic chemicals to enter a child’s body is through toys. Many studies already revealed chemicals of concern like heavy metals, endocrine disrupting chemicals and persistent organic pollutants in toys purchased in different countries and regions that can have a harmful effect on children’s health.
This discussion explored aspects on chemicals in toys regulations, monitoring, and information sharing with consumers. Its aim was to understand problems in disclosing chemicals of concern in toys; and suggest ways towards improving regulations and transparency of chemical information in toy sector to ensure toys are safe for children and the environment.
The attached digest summarizes what was said during the discussion, highlights some key points and resources around this topic. Detailed information is included in the attached presentation.